I’m moving all the content on Fleshvine.com to wordpress.Fleshvine.com. This seems like a small thing, but it’s not.
This year my focus has shifted quite a lot. I loved having Fleshvine.com, and to be honest, Fleshvine is a HUGE part of who I am. It was great to have my own domain and my own web site that chronicled my kink and my kinky podcast. But I’ve stopped spending so much time on that part of my personality, and intend to work more on Amie Ravenson, the creative person.
In all honesty, the only people who seemed to read it were spammers who didn’t know English anyways. At least, all the comments I got suggested that. It will be nice to not have to rifle through 10 different spam comments in my email every day.
So that saves me $60 this year, as it was set to renew in January. Oh sure, I’ll still keep the domain name registered, but I’m giving up the hosting. I won’t get to have my pretty Grooveshark play list or Podbean widget on the page, but who cares? It’s time to move on.
I’m tempted to register AmieRavenson, but honestly, I don’t need to spend the money. I need to do the work and stop worrying about all the foo-foo shit.
And speaking of doing the work.. I’ve felt SO renewed since I re-dedicated myself to writing. It’s not the pandemonium of NaNoWriMo, or the spotty writing I was doing here or there, but I actually feel like I’m putting work into it. Like it’s my third job. Even blogging about writing has been helpful since it’s keeping my mind on it.
Things just seem to be flowing a bit easier for me.
Perhaps it’s letting go of all the bad juju from 2010. (Although even with all the bad things that happened, I can’t be mad at 2010. It brought me Phantom.) Maybe it has to do more with being frantic about money, and realizing that if I want to do this, I need to damn well DO it. I don’t know, but whatever the case, the shift has been great for me.
So here’s to more creativity in 2011! 🙂