This was more an exploration of paranormal fiction and urban fantasy. It wasn’t such an instructional panel, but I always take things away. So the notes will be short. Panelists:–Lucienne Diver–Debra Dixon–Nancy Knight–Jana Oliver–Samantha Sommersby–Jennifer St. Giles–Jeanne C. Stein Notes: –Bellbridge Books (team tattoo?)-Jana Oliver- writes about Atlanta demons -How do you differentiate yourself in…
Author: amieravenson
Dragon*Con Debriefing
Favorite things: I married my Bear. The video link is here. I also got to spend time with friends that I only see once/year, saw some amazing writing panels, and got to game with some of our gaming group. I also possibly found a writing group, or if not, a place to find a writing…
Taking it easy.. Less camp, more recovery.
I was really stoked about camp, but I’m going to have to put it off. I AM still going to try to write, but the 50K probably won’t be happening unless I just freak out and do a lot of work at the end of the month. You see, my bear had a heart attack. …
Writing a rape scene
Yeah. I did that. I didn’t enjoy it, but it had to be done. The worst part is that it was a character that I really like a lot. But something bad had to happen to her to wrap up a plot point and move the action along. It kinda fucked me up a bit,…
NaNo day 1
I wrote 2948 words, which is almost twice what I would nee to write per day to get it done by Nov 30.. I’m trying to build in a cushion for myself since I don’t know how training will go.. My worries so far? I have the attention span of a brain-damaged fish. Seriously. I…
Word count 10/19
HOF-paid 1 2392 June’s story 3368 Altar of Change 37,432 (only 500+ words) The scene I’m writing should be easier than it is. It’s very relevant to my life right now. However, there’s just so much emotion there that I’m trying my best to capture something that may be elusive. At the very…
9/20/11 ending word count
HOF-paid 1 2392 June’s story 3368 Novel 35,944 (I had previously gotten over 36,000, then edited a scene out) ******************** Hey, it’s not a ton, but I got SOMEWHERE. I’m hoping to finish this story at about 5000-7000 words, and hope to publish it as part of a series at some point. Also, I’m going…
More roadblocks.
Things that have been fucking me up. 1. I went a solid month with NO days off. I was stressed, exhausted, moody, and doing NOTHING productive for myself aside from just showing up to work each day. 2. I had worries about losing my job. That just made me worry more about finances, taxes, etc.,…
Note to self..
Writing is not difficult as long as I JUST SIT DOWN AND DO IT! It’s the worrying about finding time to write, the freaking out about where I’m going next in the story, trying to figure out all the logistics of time and space, THAT is the difficult part. I started today with a word…
Back into the swing?
I’m involved in my story again. I’ve mentioned before that sometimes I just need to set aside time, and go to some other place to make myself write again. So last night, I wrote about 2500 words at Barnes and Noble. It was a sex scene. A lesbian sex scene. And while the characters I…
Well, I still haven’t been writing, but I HAVE been creative. Because of some impending financial disaster and misery, I’ve found myself needing to find a way to make money that’s quick and won’t make me hate my life in addition to the two jobs I already have. Writing is a future goal, but I…
Current word count..
Ok, I only wrote 500 words. Still, I wrote 500 words. That’s 500 more than I had this am. I may play with it a bit more tonight, but I got the final scene done for my first part. I wasn’t quite sure if I just wanted to drop it where I left it, or…
I’m not going to explain..
..why I haven’t written, YET AGAIN. I’m also not going to explain about how I’m not going to beat myself up about it. I’m not going to bitch about how I’m setting myself up with impossible standards, and that the authors whose dedication I admire have writing as their ONLY job. (It’s my third…
Strike 1!
It just occurred to me today that I didn’t write a single damn thing yesterday. I did record two podcasts, so at least I did something creative, but still. That really doesn’t count. So punishing myself isn’t going to work, and feeling like shit about it won’t do anything either. The more writing becomes a…
I need to print this..
..and read it every single day..… I got some writing in today, just a few sentences. Current word count: 22,553. We also went walking in the snow tonight. I got some good shots. They may end up on TrippingVine, but they may not since they weren’t really a trip OUT, as…
Writing totems, rituals, and spaces
I’m thinking about writing some emails to some of the authors that I enjoy and/or admire. (Sometimes I admire an author that I don’t enjoy, and vice versa.) I’d love to find out if there are any little rituals or totems that they start out their writing sessions with. To give you an idea of…
Also, a trick..
Today I unfollowed some people on Twitter that I never really interact with or that stopped followimg me some time ago. It feels fabulous. Makes me NOT dread checking TweetDeck anymore. I’ve also organized a lot of lists. Some lists, I mostly ignore now, while I pay special attention to others. The two lists I…
Current word count