Bewitching the Cards- 7 of Wands

Sorry I’m so late posting this.  Lots of Thanksgiving shopping and food prep happened today.  🙂 Also, my new music is by my talented husbear.  <3  

Let Govember!

So I was talking to a friend, and we were discussing how we both have a lot of negative energy in our lives.  We talked about how we could both do with a good housecleaning, physically, emotionally, mentally, etc.  I usually don’t have trouble eliminating negativity from my life in small ways, but sometimes you…

Bewitching the Cards 21- The World

Oops!  I accidentally published this one early.  Still, I’m going to leave it and start working on videos for the Minor Arcana tomorrow.  Blessed be!  🙂

Autumn Scents- Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs

So anyone who knows me knows that I’m obsessed with scents.  From incenses to bath products, to candles, I just like it when stuff smells great.  And the scents I like change with the seasons.  Obviously, Autumn is a great time for anything pumpkin related, but I don’t want to smell that at all in…

‘Fall for Yourself’ card challenge, first 10 days

So I found this challenge on the Tarot Amino, and it seems like a lot of fun.  I’m not going to post every day, however, as that seems like overkill.  So I’ll share my cards after each 10 days.  That will make 3 posts, which seems reasonable.  🙂   October 1: Werewolf.  What defines my…

Autumn Tide Tarot Reading

I try to give myself a reading at every solstice and equinox, but sometimes I forget.  Now that I’m really immersing myself in tarot, it’s a little easier to remember.  This reading is for the Autumn tide, or the time between Mabon and Yule. I did a reading in 3 parts, with 4 cards each….

Autumn, a season of loss and life

I’m usually a pretty good cook, better than average I’d say.  There are a few things that I really don’t excel at, however, frying being one of those. Tonight I was testing out a recipe for The Vegan Pagan Kitchen, and it really turned out badly.  I tried to make fried okra, and I used…

Bewitching the Cards 11- Justice

I’m baaacckkk!!  I’m sorry for the long hiatus, but I intend to start releasing these on Wednesdays and Fridays again. Blessed be!

DragonCon debrief, and into the future!

So DragonCon this year was amazing, as it always is.  I did something different this year, however, and I had a different experience. I decided that I wouldn’t do what I’ve done in years past, which is sequestering myself in the Writer’s Track room and treating the con like a writer’s retreat.  I did this…

Not myself lately..

Funny story, I actually started this post over 2 weeks ago.  And then forgot about it.  And then decided to write something about how I haven’t been feeling myself lately.  So this is apparently both a theme and a symptom of what I’m talking about right now. This is the text from the original post:…