Sorry, this one’s late again. Ghostbusters happened. Then Pokemon. Also lots of weird, random errands all over town. I’ve actually been doing quite a lot lately, and it’s been a lot of fun. We’ve been enjoying ourselves, and it’s been a great break from all the stress and anxiety of the last few months. I’ve…
Tarot- July 10th, 2016 (Also connection and disconnection)
Sorry this one is a little late in the day. We just got back from a movie, and I’ll talk a little more about that later. Today I’m using (as always) The Wildwood Tarot. In the past position, we have the Page of Arrows (Swords). So we’ve studied and researched, and we’ve laid good foundations…
Bewitching the Cards 10- The Wheel
Bewitching The Cards 9- The Hermit
Tarot- July 3rd, 2016
I hope everyone is having a fun and safe July 4th weekend. I have trouble connecting to the Summer holidays, both Pagan and mundane, mostly just because of the heat. Fibro makes me really sensitive to extremes in temperature, and I usually just hide inside for as much of the summer as possible. Add to…
Bewitching The Cards 8- Strength
Bewitching The Cards 7- The Chariot
So I thought I was going to have to take more of a break than this, but my phone is charging intermittantly. I’m going to use the hell out of it while it’s still here. Blessed be! 😀
Update on Bewitching The Cards
I just wanted to drop a quickie note here saying that BTC will be back as soon as I can have my phone repaired/replaced. It’s gone tits-up, you see. So I will be posting more when I can! Blessed be. 🙂
Tarot, June 26th 2016
Sorry for the absence last week. My stepfather passed, and we left from his funeral to drive to Maryland and see Husbear’s family. It’s been a little brutal to say the least. This week, I’m still using The Wildwood Tarot, and I’ll probably be using it for a while. I just really love it, and…
Bewitching the Cards 6- The Lovers
Bewitching the Cards 5- The Hierophant
Bewitching the Cards 4- The Emperor
Tarot- June 11th, 2016
This is a crazy week we have coming up (good and bad), but I tried not to let the anxiety I’m feeling about that come into the reading. Whether it worked or not, the reading was pretty positive, and I needed that. <3 I’m still using (and obsessed with) The Wildwood Tarot. This…
Bewitching The Cards 3- The Empress
Bewitching The Cards 2- The High Priestess
Tarot- June 5th, 2016
Ugh. Sorry this is 2 days late again. On Sunday, I kind of just forgot to post, despite thinking about it all night Saturday when I couldn’t sleep. We spent time with a friend and then came home for illicit activities (don’t try this at home, kids!) And then Monday was just packed full of crazy…
Bewitching the Cards 1- The Magician
Bewitching The Cards 0- The Fool
Bewitching Your Day 31- Bison
Animal Speak by Ted Andrews Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kynes The Once Unknown Familiar by Timothy Roderick
On being a reluctant kitchen witch
Yeah. I said it. For some reason, I’ve always been hesitant to embrace kitchen witchery. Not that I don’t respect it as a craft. It’s a little more complicated than that. When I was a kid, all of my earliest memories revolve around dinner. Grandma and Papa had us over for dinner, or we had…
Bewitching Your Day 30- Meeting Pagans
Bewitching Your Day 29- Hibiscus
Notes: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham Incense Magick by Carl F. Neal Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kynes Hibiscus on Wikipedia
Tarot- May 29th, 2016
I’m super low-energy, pain lady today. It actually hurt to shuffle the cards. Yeah, fibro sucks. So I’m in a Soma coma and may not be the most succinct today. However, the cards this week were interesting to say the least. I’m using the Wildwood Tarot again, and the more I use this deck, the…
Bewitching Your Day 28- Magickal Cleansing pt 2
Notes: The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
Bewitching Your Day 27- Magickal Cleansing pt 1
Notes: (Marie Kondo’s website) The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo
Bewitching Your Day 26- Nyx
Goddesses & Heroines by Patricia Monaghan Goddess Meditations by Barbara Ardinger, Ph.D. Nyx on Nyx Wikipedia
Bewitching Your Day 25- Goose
References: The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects by Barbara Walker Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small by Ted Andrews The Druid Animal Oracle by Phillip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kynes
Bewitching Your Day 22- Polyamory
Notes: Since the recording of this podcast, our poly has changed. It often does! Maybe I’ll record a new episode sometime soon about how we maintain our relationship now. 🙂 More Information: Pagan Polyamory: Becoming a Tribe of Hearts by Raven Kaldera Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships by Tristan Taormino…
Tarot- May 22nd, 2016
So I’ve been working on a big project lately, and learning all sorts of new things. I’ve never really worked with video before, and I’ve CERTAINLY never edited it, but I got an idea for a project that thrilled the shit out of me, so I went for it. It’s been a lot of fun,…