We’ve been on a journey for the last 15 years or so. It hasn’t been very smooth. It’s a cycle that goes like this… MEDICAL SCARE -> HEALTHY EATING AND HABITS TO THE POINT OF OBSESSION -> LIFE STUFF HAPPENS -> WE FALL OFF THE WAGON. It’s sad how many times this has happened. We’ve…
Author: amieravenson@gmail.com
Celebrations, Herbs, Stones, and Symbols of Mabon
Mabon HistoryLesser Irish holiday named after the Celtic God of the same name. The name ‘Mabon’ is a recent usage, though harvest festivals on the Autumnal Equinox are ancient and universal. Also known as ‘Pagan Thanksgiving’. Ways to celebrate Mabon* Creating a huge, festive feast for friends and family* Taking a walk in nature to…
Deck Interview- The Raven’s Dream Tarot
I love this artist with a realness. MJ Cullinane is incredibly talented and it’s like they channel the cards directly from spirit. I have their Forhaxa Tarot, based on Swedish myth, and the art is just so stunning and rich, it’s one of my favorite decks. And I’ve been coveting a lot of their other…
My Experience with The Revelations Tarot
I have a semi-large collection of tarot decks. It’s not nearly as large as some people (I’m looking at you, TarotTubers!), but it’s pretty large. I had about 80 tarot and oracle decks at last count, and I’ve gotten a few decks since then. That being said, I hate the consumerism of tarot collecting. That…
Divination through Charm Casting
I have always, ALWAYS wanted to put together a set of charms for divination purposes. I’ve seen endless YouTube videos and they were all really inspiring. But I could never figure out how to get the exact charms that I wanted for my set without buying each charm individually at great expense. But recently, it…
Celebrations, Herbs, Stones, and Symbols of Lughnasadh/Lammas
Lughnasadh HistoryOne of the Old Irish seasonal festivals marking the beginning of the harvest season. Named after the Irish god Lugh. Mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature. Ways to celebrate Lughnasadh* Bake bread* Make a seasonal feast with tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, corn and other Summer veggies* Make a corn dolly* Meditate on abundance…
Deck Interview- The Secrets of WandWood Oracle
This deck was the WORST kind of impulse purchase. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw someone post a picture of the Mindfulness card from this deck in a witch group that I’m in. I was so struck by the owl holding a key, that I did several reverse image searches…
The Expansiveness of Spring
This Spring has been a time of transformation for me. Usually this is a great time of year for growth and expansion, and this year has certainly been no exception. I have new projects, new connections, new ideas, and a sense of new life in my life. There are a lot of difficult things going…
Deck Interview- The 5 Cent Tarot
I wanted this deck the first second I saw it. It’s just so… Fantastic! But as so often happens, the price wasn’t right, I didn’t have the money, and I kind of forgot about it. What I also forgot was that I had shown it to the husbear. And he didn’t forget. He saw something…
Deck Interview- The Herbal Astrology Oracle
I’ve wanted this deck ever since I saw the beautiful artwork. But it kept going in and out of stock on Amazon, so I thought that perhaps the deck creator was taking it down to publish another indie run. However, I was thrilled to find that it was published through Hay House and even MORE…
Deck Interview- The Wandering Star Tarot
So long story short, Hay House had their annual sale and I had just gotten paid. I had seen this deck on a few YouTube videos and was intrigued by the art, and so here we are! Now the art in this deck is really amazing, and I like that there are a few keywords…
Tree Pollen Magick
Pollen. Love it or hate it, you’ve got to deal with it. Here in Georgia in March, it colors everything from cars to streets to the air. Everything is just covered with this yellow haze of allergy-inducing powder of nightmares. But there has to be some sort of magickal use for this stuff, right? When…
My Daily Spiritual Practice- Updated for 2023
One thing that really keeps me grounded during times of change (and things have been changing a lot lately) is my daily spiritual practice. These little things that I do morning and night and throughout my day really help me to remember who I am and what’s important to me. It’s taken me a few…
Finding Balance
My goal for this year was to go deeper. I wanted to go deeper into my spiritual practice, spending more time with shamanic journeying and deepening my relationship with my deities. I wanted to go deeper into my personal care practice, spending more time in nature and spending more time doing dreamwork. I wanted to…
Deck Interview- The Everyday Witch Tarot (mini)
This deck was on my wishlist, but was low priority on that list. I know that people love it, I just never really understood the big draw. But when I saw it at a local metaphysical bookstore, in a mini version (I love mini tarot decks), and had a couple bucks in my pocket, I…
Deck Interview- Tarot of Mystical Moments
I’ve had my eye on this deck for some time. Several YouTubers favored it, and I was pretty intrigued by the surreal art style. So it had been on my wish list for a while. When I found it at a local metaphysical bookstore that my sister had given me a gift card for, well,…
Deck Interview- The Magical Nordic Tarot
I have a philosophy when it comes to collecting tarot and oracle decks. I only buy them or add them to my wish list if I know that I’ll actually USE them. I have a few decks that I use just for study or just for the art, but for the most part, my collection…
Deck Interview- The Wild Unknown Alchemy
My sister knows me so well. She has a way of knowing exactly what deck I need at what time. And like The Shaman’s Dream Oracle, this one came at the right time. I definitely need some alchemy in my life, and this should help me get there. Kim Krans is another deck creator that…
Deck Interview- The Shaman’s Dream Oracle
I really love most of Colette Baron-Reid’s decks, and this one is no exception. While her card meanings and the booklet are interesting and give a fresh take to the often ubiquitous oracle deck, it’s the art that usually really speaks to me. CBR has a way of finding artists that make her unique visions…
Samhain Corn Chowder
Isn’t Samhain just the best time of year? The magick is palpable now, and everyone is at their witchy best. It’s also my busy time of year with various tarot and Pagan events and activities, so I usually try to find something easy to make, but something that evokes the feelings of the season. What’s…
Elen of the Ways Annointing Oil
I’ve recently begun working with Elen of the Ways, and have been building an altar for her. There are a lot of components to the altar, including an image that I ordered from FreeRangeFaeries on Etsy, various stones, a dedicated candle, a pinecone I found in the middle of the road in Florida, and some…
Comfrey and Safety in Travel
Comfrey has a ton of folk names, attesting to its long use in folk magick. It’s been known as Assear, Black Wort, Boneset, Bruisewort, Consohda, Consound, Gavez, Gum Plant, Healing Blade, Healing Herb, Karakaffes, Knit Back, Knit Bone, Miracle Herb, Slippery Root, Salsify, Smeerwartel, Wallwort, Yalluc, and Ztworkost. A lot of these names suggest its…
Rue and Protection
When I was a teenager, I tried to start an herb garden. The problem is that while I’m great at planning gardens, I suck at tending them after they’re started. So most of my plants sadly didn’t make it. However, the rue thrived on my neglect, and soon took over its corner of the garden….
How to Have a Conversation with your Tarot or Oracle Cards
I’ve been reading tarot for quite a long time. But the one thing that I’ve learned is that the more I think I know, the more there is to learn. In all honesty, that’s what I love about tarot more than anything. I love that I can study it for years and years, and still…
Mugwort and Psychic Vision
Mugwort is hands down my favorite plant ally. It has so many practical applications for my personal practice that I can’t seem to buy enough of it. I have little half-filled jars of it everywhere. But this year, I asked my husbear to grow me some fresh mugwort. And it’s gorgeous, lush, and plentiful. Thanks,…
Agrimony, Sleep, and Protection
There are conflicting reports of the best use of agrimony in sleep and dream magick. Some say that it will lull you into a deep, dreamless sleep. And some use it in dream pillows to induce prophetic dreaming. What’s the truth? I’ll let you know as soon as I know. I’ll be making dream pillows…
Hyssop and Purification
There are many herbs that can be used for the purposes of purification. But if you practice a European tradition of Paganism, then hyssop is the purification herb for you. This is a great alternative to white sage, which is part of a closed Native American practice, and is being used almost to the point…
Spider Symbolism
September is for spiders. They always show up around this time of year, spinning their webs, catching their prey. And this year, we have two enormous orb weavers at the front door, and 3 joro spiders at the back door. Needless to say, we’ve been finding creative ways to get in and out of the…
Our Health Journey and Why ‘You’ve Lost Weight!’ Isn’t Really a Compliment
So I’m on the latest leg of a weight loss journey that began when I was 8 or 9 years old. My grandmother, and then by example my mother, were weight obsessed. And I was a chunky kid. It was about this age that phrases like ‘Slim Fast’ and ‘counting calories’ and ‘aerobic exercise’ found…
Essential Oil Blend to Support Heart Health
Disclaimer first: This is NO SUBSTITUTE for visiting your doctor. But if you are under a doctor’s care, and want a magickal way to compliment that, this is a good blend to use. In a base of grapeseed oil, blend: 30 drops of ylang ylang oil (useful for the heart chakra and anything in that…
May New Moon- Bee
Bees are known for being busy. And that’s exactly how my month has gone. I’ve had SO MUCH to worry about, and SO MUCH to do. I’m stuck between being proud of myself for perservering and just being exhausted. So we’ll see how everything falls out. In Greek mythology, bees were variously associated with Aphrodite,…