I was so hesitant to buy this deck, though I had seen the artwork and loved it. But I read that the cards were big and difficult to shuffle. With my arthritic hands, that’s a concern, so I put it off. But a few days ago, I found out that there was a pocket edition,…
Author: amieravenson@gmail.com
Deck Interview- The Alleyman’s Tarot
I don’t know how else to put it… This deck is SUPER FUCKIN’ COOL. It was a kickstarter that exploded in popularity and just grew and grew. There were BOOSTER PACKS of extra tarot cards added in. The result is this seemingly random amalgamation of cards that became a behemoth deck. My only complaint would…
Deck Interview- Seasons of the Witch Beltane Oracle
I went back and forth over whether to buy this deck. I’ve been in a collection frenzy, and I wasn’t sure if I really NEEDED this one. However, our tax return came in, and the rest is history. Boy, am I glad I got this one. It’s a stunner. And it looks lovely paired with…
April’s 2nd New Moon- The Hieros Gamos
This month’s theme is so incredibly appropriate for the Beltane season. The Hieros Gamos is the sacred marriage between The Goddess and the king of the land. The queen personified The Goddess, and chose her mate to rule beside her as her consort. That plays into the whole sexuality/fertility theme of Beltane so well! The…
April New Moon- Triangle
Throughout history, the triangle has represented the feminine principle while the square or the cross (both representing the number 4) has represented the male principle. You can see examples of the tri-fold nature of the Goddess in the Triple Goddesses of many cultures. There is also a connection between the Greek letter Delta (a triangle),…
Orchid Magick
Orchids are named after the Greek word Orchis, meaning testicles. That’s because the bulb is twinned and resembles, well, testicles. As such, it’s been known as a potent love and potency charm throughout the ages. The Romans thought it grew where satyrs copulated. Huzzah! Orchid is associated with Venus, which should come as no suprise…
March New Moon- Water
I have to be honest, I’m struggling with this one. My goal for this year has been to rediscover my fire and bring back my passion, motivation, and drive. I’ve been stuck in my feelings for so long that to embrace the energies of water (emotions, receptivity, ‘flow’) seems like a step backwards. So what…
Deck Interview- Forhaxa Tarot
Husbear outdid himself for Valentine’s Day. Granted, I showed him exactly what I wanted, and even sent him the website, but he took the plunge and pressed the order button. That’s what’s important! I’ve really been trying to curb my tarot/oracle spending for the past few years. The truth is that I have so many…
Book Review- The She Book
I usually don’t do book reviews on this blog, but when I read The She Book by Tanya Markul, I knew that I wanted to say something about it here. Not only is it a beautiful book of poetry, but it is a powerful tool for healing through pain and finding your own power and…
February New Moon- Oracle
In this month’s bibliomancy adventure, we find our finger on the entry for Oracle. It explains that the oracle was seen as an intermediary between the divine and humankind, and the shrines of oracles were centers of spirituality, not just fortune-telling. So how does this apply to me? Is this divination telling me that I…
January New Moon- Alder
So I found today’s bibliomancy find a little curious. When I think of tree magick, I think of the Celtic tree months. And the month of Alder (Fearn) takes place from March 18- April 14th. Therefore, it represents the energy of Spring and new beginnings. But here we are in the middle of Winter, far…
December New Moon- Tarot Cards
This is a continuation of my new moon bibliomancy practice, where I choose a random passage in The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects to focus on for the next lunation. For this moon cycle, I chose ‘tarot cards’. This one is really funny to me. I’ve been thinking a lot about tarot lately,…
November New Moon- The Milky Way
This is a continuation of my new moon bibliomancy project, where on the new moon, I choose a new symbol to consider/study/think about during the next lunation. Last month was toad, this month is the Milky Way. I suppose that this month’s symbol is a reminder that we’re a tiny, insignificant part of a dazzlingly…
Deck Interview- Jack-O’-Lantern Tarot
I don’t usually impulse buy decks. I think about them for a while, trying to decide how I would use them, what kind of readings they would be good for, whether or not I have something similar in my collection, etc. But when I saw the art on this deck, I knew I had to…
October New Moon- Toad
In my last post, I mentioned that I was going to start using bibliomancy to choose a symbol for each lunation during each new moon. My first pick for this first month was toad. You have NO IDEA how perfect this is. When I first meditated on my spirit animal, lo these many years ago,…
Bibliomancy and the New Moon
My spiritual practice has been in need of a refresh lately. EVERYTHING has been in need of a refresh, really. But I got through this last bout of depression and the related apathy, and it’s time to get on with life again. In that vein, I’ve been interested in writing again after a long, long…
Deck Interview- Seasons of the Witch Samhain Oracle
I bought this deck as a little prezzy for myself after a week of presenting on the history of tarot for DragonCon, and then reading for a room full of students at Emory. It was a crazy week, but exhilarating, and then I topped it off with a root canal. Hey, they can’t all be…
Depression and Spirituality
Hi, my name is Amie. I just went off meds for about 6 weeks due to a snafu with my refills not being available and my insurance not covering them anyways. They’re now $30/month and I honestly just didn’t feel like my mental health and happiness was worth $30/month, especially when I’m not working and…
New Guided Meditations!
I finally did it! I recorded, edited, and published some guided meditations I’ve been working on. Check them out on Bandcamp!
Deck Interview- Queen of the Moon Oracle
I wanted this deck since the first time I saw it. The art is amazing, and the feel of the deck is a good blend of whimsical and serious. So when I lost my job, I bought it for myself as a feel-better present. It’s not that expensive on Amazon, after all, and I deserve…
Deck Interview- The Cosmos Tarot and Oracle
I lost my job at the end of March, and so I’ve had a lot of time to watch YouTube lately. One of my favorite types of videos to watch is deck reviews, and that’s where I happened upon this deck from Light Grey Art Lab. I’m not sure whose review it was that intrigued…
The Muse Tarot deck interview
I got this deck because I wanted to have another Spring/Summer deck with a light, fun energy to it. It really fits the bill! The artwork is bright and cheery, but without sacrificing depth. I love Chris-Anne’s other tarot, The Light Seer’s Tarot, so I thought I would love this one. And I wasn’t wrong….
Advice for Beginner Tarot Readers from a Salty Old Cardslinger
So I’ve been reading tarot even longer than I’ve been Pagan. My father bought me my first deck for my 12th birthday, and I’ve always kept at least one deck around. My interest waxed and waned, and I didn’t get super serious about tarot until about 10 years ago, but I’ve always enjoyed reading for…
Advice for Beginner Witches from a Salty Old Witch
First, I want to thank Heather for the inspiration for this article. I’ve been wondering if I should continue writing, and she gave me some good ideas that made me want to try again. Thank you Heather! I’ve been on my spiritual path for many, many years. I dedicated myself to a Pagan path in…
The Future of This Website
When I first started this blog, I was filled with ideas of things I wanted to write about. And over the years, I have. I’ve tried to write about magick and Paganism, tarot and my life. But lately, I feel like I’ve just dried up. I’ve been writing the Magickal Month posts, and that’s been…
Magickal Month- November 2020
The weather really isn’t breaking that much here in Atlanta. The temps are still in the upper 60s, and I’m waiting for the sweater weather I was promised. The leaves are starting to change, though, and we’re sorely in need of blowing the lawn. The geese have settled in for the next few weeks, and…
Magickal Month- October 2020
October. This is the month that witchy folks crave all year long. Even those who don’t like the ending of Summer still get a little thrill when things start moving towards Samhain and the season of the witch. The nights are getting longer and cooler, and the last of the harvest is coming in. There’s…
Magickal Month- September 2020
Believe it or not, our cherry tomatoes are JUST NOW beginning to ripen. I knew we got them in the ground late, but this seems crazy late for a first harvest. At any rate, they’ll make a welcome addition to our Mabon table. I’ve been seeing hawks and crows everywhere, indications that I need to…
Magickal Month- August 2020
August is here, and we know that the hottest part of the Summer is almost over. If you look around, the bright greens of May and June have turned into a darker, more sun-baked green, and the fields are turning gold. It’s time to celebrate grain, corn, and all those yummy Summer vegetables! We had…
Where has all the magick gone?
I don’t think I’m saying anything too surprising if I point out that spirituality waxes and wanes with the tides of our lives. Sometimes it can be difficult to grasp that ethereal connection to the nebulous that sustains us at other times. That’s about where I’m at right now. I’m still surrounded by all the…
Magickal Month- July 2020
I’m sorry for the lateness of this post. Can you believe that I just forgot? I thought about not posting at all once I remembered, but that’s a separate story. Suffice it to say, it’s July and I’m back on schedule. July was named after Julius Caesar, and it’s the 7th month of the year…