The only tradition I have on Beltane is the tradition of all my plans falling apart. I rarely ever celebrate the way I plan, and I rarely, if ever, get to have sex on Beltane. This year, as per usual, my plans all fell apart. Except for the sex. I’ll leave off of the details, but damn. It’s really good to be me right now. 🙂
I intended to celebrate Beltane with the same group that I celebrated Imbolc and Yule with, but my car wasn’t having it. So instead, I waited for the husbear to come home and take me to a gaming night. I brought the May Wine that I’d made for the Beltane celebration, and fun was had.
May Wine Recipe:
½ c sweet woodruff and ½ vanilla bean- let these soak overnight in 1 bottle white wine (German is best)
2 pints ripe strawberries, mashed
½ c white sugar, mixed with the strawberries- sugar helps break them down- let this mixture sit in fridge for about an hour
Strain wine into a container and mix in strawberry mixture. I dropped the vanilla bean back into liquid.
At the last minute, stir in 1 bottle champagne or sparkling wine and serve.
Our dating lives have taken a turn too. We decided some time that it might be OK if we dated separately. So far it’s going well. I’ve been on one (great) date with a longtime friend, and Bear has met two new people. We aren’t going poly crazy, but things seem to be going well so far. It’s not our ideal (which is still to find a third that we both like), but we’re having fun.
If we’ve learned anything in the past few years, it’s that we need to wrench every minute of happiness out of this life that we can. It can be taken away at any time.