Hi all! I just wanted to make a quick update about two new listings in my Etsy shop. First is a guided meditation that I recorded to help you connect with the fae and other nature spirits, as well as the general spirit of nature. It’s perfect for Litha/Midsummer. You can find it HERE! Second…
Category: Etsy
Pagan Pentacle tarot reading!
Hi all! Just offering this new reading in my shop. This reading will look at where you are on your path, and how best to connect to the energies of each element. And be sure to use the coupon code SPRING before March 31st for 20% off. Blessed be! 🙂 https://www.etsy.com/listing/588396644/pagan-pentacle-tarot-reading?ref=shop_home_active_1
Road opener tarot reading for solving problems/removing obstacles!
Find it on my Etsy shop here!