The Muse Tarot deck interview

I got this deck because I wanted to have another Spring/Summer deck with a light, fun energy to it. It really fits the bill! The artwork is bright and cheery, but without sacrificing depth. I love Chris-Anne’s other tarot, The Light Seer’s Tarot, so I thought I would love this one. And I wasn’t wrong….

Advice for Beginner Tarot Readers from a Salty Old Cardslinger

So I’ve been reading tarot even longer than I’ve been Pagan. My father bought me my first deck for my 12th birthday, and I’ve always kept at least one deck around. My interest waxed and waned, and I didn’t get super serious about tarot until about 10 years ago, but I’ve always enjoyed reading for…

Deck Interview (kinda)- Super Attractor

This deck came to me for my birthday, a present from my wonderful sister. It was one that I knew I wanted, having loved Gabrielle Bernstein’s previous deck ‘The Universe Has Your Back’. Neither of these decks are particularly great for oracle work, as they provide affirmations instead. I have used both as oracles, but…

Deck Interview- The Light Seer’s Tarot

This deck is one of those rare cases where I wanted it, I had money, and I bought it. I have quite a lot of decks, so a new one has to REALLY speak to me for me to spend the money. This one really did. I just love the energy of the art on…

Deck Interview- Osho Zen Tarot

I’m going to be honest here and let you in on a secret. I bought this deck never really thinking I was going to use it that much. I bought it so that I could take pictures for a panel I did on the history of art in tarot, and I thought it was important…

Deck Interview- Goddess Power Oracle

This is the second deck that my sister gifted me as an early Yule prezzy. I love it, and I’ve been using it a bit differently from my other oracle decks. I haven’t used it in a reading yet, but I’ve been using it to draw a new card every month to choose the deity…

Deck Interview- Crystal Spirits Oracle

My sister loves me A LOT. When I was stressed and freaking out over DragonCon and how to get my tarot presentation done for the Paranormal Track, she noticed that Hay House was having its annual 50% off sale on cards. As it was right before DragonCon, I had $0 to get cards, and I…

Magickal Month- June 2019

June is the sixth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calenders. It was named after Juno, the Roman mother goddess, wife of Jupiter, analogous to Greek Hera. Summer doesn’t start until the Solstice on the 21st, but it’s SOOOOOO hot here in Georgia. And worse yet, it doesn’t look like there’s any…

Deck Interview- Arcane Bullshit Tarot

This deck was a surprise birthday gift from my A1 best, high-grade Husbear. And I LOVE IT. It was about 7 weeks late, because he backed it as a Kickstarter, but it came at exactly the right time. First, let’s look at the aesthetics. WOW. There are 105 cards, so shuffling this deck is completely…

Creating a regular spiritual practice

I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this here, but New Year and New Year’s Eve are my favorite holidays.  I love hitting the reset button and creating myself anew every January.  It’s a chance to step back, see what worked, scrap what didn’t, and try to make some improvements.  Naturally, me being me, I’ve…

Deck Interview- Spirit de la Lune

This deck has been on my wish list since I first saw it. How can you not love it? The cards are round, beautiful, evocative, and all based on lunar cycles and astrology. I also love that there’s a convention for working with the cards upright, reversed (seen as a blockage in that energy), or…

Greek ‘smudging’ substitute

So I’ve been thinking a lot about cultural appropriation lately.  I never used to really worry about using sage or palo santo, feeling like I was OK as long as I honored the First Nations tradition of smudging but without trying to claim it as my own.  However, if I’ve learned anything in my practice,…

Deck Interview- The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle

I’ve been using the Wild Unknown Tarot for almost 2 years now, and it’s quickly become my favorite deck. It’s my personal deck- the one I don’t use to read for anyone else. In fact, it just doesn’t read for anyone else. It gives really confusing, difficult readings when I try to read for others….

Magickal Month- October

October is the 10th month of the year, though it’s named after ‘octo’ meaning 8 in the old Roman calendar. Another one of those, right? It was moved into the 10th place with the establishment of January and February as the first and second months in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. It was also known…

My tarot decks for Summer

I haven’t been posting a lot outside of my Magickal Month posts lately. There’s a good reason for that. It’s hot and I don’t wanna. Nyeh! (Actually, I’ve had a lot of other things going on, including Camp NaNoWriMo, a group on Facebook that is meant to facilitate and support making positive changes in life,…

Magickal Month- July

July is the 7th month of the year, named after Julius Caesar because it was his birth month. The ‘Dog Days of Summer’ begin in July as well. They’re associated with the star Sirius “The Dog Star”, which is rumored to bring drought, lethargy, madness, and bad luck with its return to the night sky….

Magickal Month- May

May was named after the Greek Maia, mother of Hermes, and oldest of the Pleiades. In Greece, she was primarily known as a mother archetype, but in the Roman version, she became connected with several other goddesses, including Bona Dea (Good Goddess), Terra (earth), Fauna (prophetic goddess of the woodlands), Magna Mater (Cybele), Ops (an…

Magickal Month- April

There is some debate on the origin of the word April to describe the fourth month of the Julian calendar. There is evidence that supports the etymological connection to the word ‘aperire’ (meaning to open- as in opening the Spring season), and also a connection to Aphrilis (derived from Aphrodite, as her major festivals took…

Pagan Pentacle tarot reading!

Hi all!  Just offering this new reading in my shop.  This reading will look at where you are on your path, and how best to connect to the energies of each element.  And be sure to use the coupon code SPRING before March 31st for 20% off.  Blessed be!  🙂

My tarot decks for Spring

I love this time of year.  To be clear, I love Winter too, but I’m kind of ready to be done with it for this year.  The natural world around me agrees.  Things are blooming, critters are emerging, birds are singing.  It’s a time for new life, energy, and blossiming in a literal and a…

New past life tarot reading

So if you saw my deck interview post for the Paradoxical Purple Trionfi della Luna deck a few weeks ago, you probably saw that these cards really wanted to talk about the past.  So I did a few test runs of a past life reading, and they resonated for the test subjects!  (Myself included.  These…

Magickal Month- March

The name March comes from the old Roman Martius, as March was originally dedicated to Mars, the Roman god of war and agriculture. As March brought better weather, people started to plan for things like battle and farming- hence Mars. It was originally the first month of the old Roman calendar, and several other cultures…

Magickal Month- January

January was named after the Roman god Janus, who was known as the god of doorways, endings, and the new beginnings that follow. He had 2 heads, one looking to the past year, and one looking to the upcoming year, and so he’s perfect for this first year of the month when we’re looking forward…

My Tarot Decks for Winter

‘Tis the season for long nights, warm drinks, and going within. What could be more perfect for that then lovingly caressing the perfect tarot deck for this introspective time of year? As I mentioned in my post My Tarot Decks for Autumn, I’ve been using a different deck for each month. Celebrating the passage of…

New Year Ahead Tarot Reading!

This reading shows 12 cards, one for each month of the coming year.  The cards will show the pervasive energies for that month, including exciting events, pitfalls to avoid, or even just the theme for the month. This one is really great for people who like to plan their year ahead in late December or…

Magickal Month- November

So this is a thing I want to start doing from now on.  For each month, I’m going to talk a little about the tides of the month, the lunar and astrological dates, stones and herbs I’m especially drawn to, and do a 3 card reading for the month.  At the bottom, I’ll talk about…

New reading! Integrating Light and Shadow

As we’re moving into the darker half of the year, I’ve been drawn to do some shadow work.  I love the idea of helping others do their own as well!  This reading shows us our light side (what we show to the world), and our shadow side (what we try to keep hidden), and how…