Tarot- May 8th, 2016

Yay!   I got a new deck!   This is the Wildwood Tarot by Mark Ryan and John Matthews.   I’ve gone back and forth in  whether or not I wanted this one,  and all the reasons why I was hesitant are legitimate.   The cardstock is flimsy,  the art on the back of the…

Tarot- May 1st, 2016 (actually pulled on May 4th)

Sorry about the lateness of this one.  Beltane happened.  And a Beltane feast.  And staying at my mom’s house.  And honestly, I also forgot. So, to celebrate my complete lack of attention this week, I decided to use a completely different deck.  This is The Motherpeace Tarot  by Karen Vogle and Vicki Noble.  I was…

Tarot- April 24th, 2016

So I was supposed to have a new deck to show you today, but Amazon sent me the wrong one.  Honestly, if it was a deck I was interested in I probably would have kept it, but it was the Revelations Tarot, which I already have.  So next week I’ll have a new deck to…

Tarot- April 10th, 2016

Today I’m using my old standby, the Sacred Circle Tarot by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason. In the past position, we have the 5 of Cups.  This card is showing us that we have suffered loss, grief, and sorrow.  It can also represent regret, but while there are 3 upright cups, we are more focused…

Tarot- April 3rd, 2016

I’m using the Sacred Circle Tarot by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason again.  Last week’s reading wasn’t so great, so I wanted to go with my old standby, the deck I’m most comfortable with.  This week’s reading is somewhat problematic as well, so I think there are just some things we need to be paying…

Tarot- March 27th, 2016

So today I went back to Witches Tarot by Ellen Dugan.  I really want to use this deck more, but it’s still new to me.  I like the art, and it seems to have a good feel to it.  This week’s reading, however, isn’t so great.  I’m not blaming the deck. In the past position,…

Tarot- March 20th, 2016

Happy Ostara!  I’ll be writing a little more about Ostara and the powers of rebirth, renewal, and rejuvenation in a separate post, which I’ll probably post tomorrow.  But I will say that today was great.  I got to spend lots of good time with my Bear, and it’s just generally been lovely.  I needed it….

Oracle- March 13th, 2016

So I’ve cycled through the majority of my tarot decks, excluding my Halloween Tarot by Karin Lee and Kipling West, which I’ll be using closer to that time, and my Motherpeace Tarot by Karen Vogel and Vicki Noble, which I always seem to forget I have.  I took a moment to decide whether to use a…

Tarot- March 6th, 2016

I’m going to be honest here.   I’ve never really connected with the deck I used today.   (The Witches Tarot by Ellen Cannon Reed)  There are things I like about it,  but overall, I’ve just never gotten a good reading from these cards. I originally bought them for 2 reasons.   First,  there are…

Tarot- February 29th, 2016

I’m sorry this post is a day late, but yesterday was a rat day.  We had to jump through some hoops to treat our Stanley for lice (generally, rats don’t appreciate bath time), and we had to bury our beloved Valentine, who passed on the 24th.  I spent 3 days nursing him- hoping, despairing, hoping…

Tarot- February 21st, 2016

This is yet another reading that really speaks to me personally,  though I asked what the week held for anyone who reads this.   As it’s mostly my husbear and I reading these posts so far,  I suppose that makes sense.   :0) This is my favorite deck,  and the one I use for my…

Oracle- February 14th, 2016

Sorry this post is a little later in the day than I intended.   It’s Valentine’s Day,  which my husband and I take very seriously.   We had a great day that started with adopting a new rat (a friend for our pet Stanley) from a friend.   Then when we came home,  Bear surprised…

Tarot- February 7th, 2016

Since I used my oldest deck last week, I decided to use my newest deck this week.  This is Witches Tarot by Ellen Dugan, which I bought for myself as a late birthday present.  I haven’t blessed it yet, but I have played with it quite a bit to get a feel for the energy…

Tarot- January 31st, 2015

This week’s draw is from my very first deck, the Sacred Rose Tarot.  My father bought it for me when I was 12 at the Sphynx bookstore in Atlanta.  (Does anyone else remember the Sphynx?)  He kept asking me if I was SURE that I wanted these for my birthday, and I kept insisting that…

Tarot- January 24th, 2015

This year I’ve committed myself to REALLY learning tarot.  I’ve been reading for almost 30 years, but have always used books to look up the meanings of cards.   It’s kind of embarrassing at this point.  So, as a part of that effort, and as part of my efforts to use this blog more, I’m going…

Tarot reading for M

I normally wouldn’t have posted this here, but I wasn’t sure where else I could add the picture and the descriptions of the cards.  So M, this one is for you.  🙂 ************************ M is a Pisces, and a fellow writer.  We met through Camp NaNo, and found that we had a lot in common….

My Writing Life 3/27/2015

So this week I came up with a ridiculous little game to play with myself. I decided, for motivation and accountability’s sake to start ‘clocking in’ when I write or edit. I commit to a certain number of hours per week of writing, and a certain number of hours of editing, and I’ve been using…

Psychic Reading, 9/21/2014

I took my sister out for her birthday today, and we hit our favorite metaphysical/new age stores.  At the second one, we just happened upon a psychic fair, and as we’d been talking about our life paths, she decided to buy us each a reading.  (Typical, I take her out for her birthday, and she…

New podcast project and office reorganization

Sorry I’ve been quiet lately, I’ve been a little swept up in first edits on my novel, Altar of Change.  I’m nearly finished, and then I’ll be asking some friends to read through and hack it apart so I can make it stronger, better. While I’ve been editing, I’ve had another idea gestating in my…

Energy Redirection

I’ve been going through a bit of a crisis lately.   The fibro has pretty much changed the way I look at everything.  It made me reexamine how I spend my energy, who I give it to, and what actually feeds me energy back.  I’ve spent the last 2 years getting more weak, feeling less ME….

Tarot Reading 12/8/2013

It’s been a while since I’ve done a tarot reading for myself, and so I thought I would do a general reading just asking about the year ahead.  I didn’t focus on work, relationships, money, creativity, health, or any of the other things that occupy my every waking minute, I decided to just let the…

More bird omens and good coffee

This morning, when I was taking our roommate into work, I nearly ran into 4 huge crows in the middle of the road who were fighting over some poor dead critter.  I’ve always been a huge fan of the crow rhyme (have I listed it here?), and 4 is for birth.  So I’m wondering what…

More bird omens and good coffee

This morning, when I was taking our roommate into work, I nearly ran into 4 huge crows in the middle of the road who were fighting over some poor dead critter.  I’ve always been a huge fan of the crow rhyme (have I listed it here?), and 4 is for birth.  So I’m wondering what…