Power of water to bless or drown, cleanse or stagnate Waves of emotion, washing the heart, pulling us under Filling the soul with twisting eddys, streams of compassion Flowing into our lives, soothing our minds Or perhaps bringing turbulence, chaotic and uncontrollable Salty, it is our blood, flowing through our veins Hydrating our tissues, bringing…
Category: Pagan
Poem- Yemaya
Yemaya Salty, churning waves of mother’s love Offering connection, nourishment Linked by salt and chains of amino acids The life/death struggle Eating, mating Colors of green and blue and brown Shells clicking in her hair She dances us to life Quickens the stardust with laughter Her embrace, a homecoming
Tarot- April 3rd, 2016
I’m using the Sacred Circle Tarot by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason again. Last week’s reading wasn’t so great, so I wanted to go with my old standby, the deck I’m most comfortable with. This week’s reading is somewhat problematic as well, so I think there are just some things we need to be paying…
Poem- Hedge
Hedge Motley creatures, captive creeping Totem spirits on display Bright birds caged, flitting chirping Augury in flight, come what may Forest beasts, tracking sneaking Cavorting with the fae Ocean life, teeming brimming Primordial mother at play Mineral kingdom, waiting healing Veins of the earth, ancient ley Herbal helpers, growing thriving Healing the witch every…
Poem- She Turns
She Turns Stone to flesh, Her features resolve. Gardenia and moonflower, Jasmine and amber. Her eyes sparkle Reflecting her torch. She is the keeper of magick, Revealer of mysteries. Hers is the power of change, Instinct in action. Growing moon, magick increasing. Welcome to the crucible. She turns again Smile benevolent, She stands ready at…
Bad poetry- an apology
So on Friday, I’ll be starting a thing called NaPoWriMo, or National Poetry Writing Month. I’m looking forward to it. I’ll be posting a new poem here every day for the month of April. You’ve been warned. Seriously, I haven’t written poetry since college, and it’s not likely to be super good. http://www.napowrimo.net
Tarot- March 27th, 2016
So today I went back to Witches Tarot by Ellen Dugan. I really want to use this deck more, but it’s still new to me. I like the art, and it seems to have a good feel to it. This week’s reading, however, isn’t so great. I’m not blaming the deck. In the past position,…
Ostara- Renewal, rebirth, rejuvenation
Ostara has always been a favorite sabbat of mine. The first ritual I ever put together and performed was on Ostara. I was enamoured. I felt the new life of Spring coursing through my body, I felt the sacredness of the change of seasons, I felt the magick of the Goddess in her transformation. I…
Tarot- March 20th, 2016
Happy Ostara! I’ll be writing a little more about Ostara and the powers of rebirth, renewal, and rejuvenation in a separate post, which I’ll probably post tomorrow. But I will say that today was great. I got to spend lots of good time with my Bear, and it’s just generally been lovely. I needed it….
Oracle- March 13th, 2016
So I’ve cycled through the majority of my tarot decks, excluding my Halloween Tarot by Karin Lee and Kipling West, which I’ll be using closer to that time, and my Motherpeace Tarot by Karen Vogel and Vicki Noble, which I always seem to forget I have. I took a moment to decide whether to use a…
Heart chakra blues
I mentioned in my weekly tarot pull last week that grief is something I have a lot of recent experience with. Losing Valentine took me back into that dark place where I felt like death and loss were all I had to look forward to, and though it didn’t last for more than a few…
Tarot- March 6th, 2016
I’m going to be honest here. I’ve never really connected with the deck I used today. (The Witches Tarot by Ellen Cannon Reed) There are things I like about it, but overall, I’ve just never gotten a good reading from these cards. I originally bought them for 2 reasons. First, there are…
Tarot- February 29th, 2016
I’m sorry this post is a day late, but yesterday was a rat day. We had to jump through some hoops to treat our Stanley for lice (generally, rats don’t appreciate bath time), and we had to bury our beloved Valentine, who passed on the 24th. I spent 3 days nursing him- hoping, despairing, hoping…
Tarot- February 21st, 2016
This is yet another reading that really speaks to me personally, though I asked what the week held for anyone who reads this. As it’s mostly my husbear and I reading these posts so far, I suppose that makes sense. :0) This is my favorite deck, and the one I use for my…
Oracle- February 14th, 2016
Sorry this post is a little later in the day than I intended. It’s Valentine’s Day, which my husband and I take very seriously. We had a great day that started with adopting a new rat (a friend for our pet Stanley) from a friend. Then when we came home, Bear surprised…
Tarot- February 7th, 2016
Since I used my oldest deck last week, I decided to use my newest deck this week. This is Witches Tarot by Ellen Dugan, which I bought for myself as a late birthday present. I haven’t blessed it yet, but I have played with it quite a bit to get a feel for the energy…
Tarot- January 31st, 2015
This week’s draw is from my very first deck, the Sacred Rose Tarot. My father bought it for me when I was 12 at the Sphynx bookstore in Atlanta. (Does anyone else remember the Sphynx?) He kept asking me if I was SURE that I wanted these for my birthday, and I kept insisting that…
Stones for self-care
I’ve blogged a few times about how winter, and January in particular, are really tough for me. The loop of cold -> fibro pain -> depression -> fibro pain -> depression -> fibro pain -> depression compounds itself into an overall shitty time for me. I’ve spent a lot more days in bed this month…
Tarot- January 24th, 2015
This year I’ve committed myself to REALLY learning tarot. I’ve been reading for almost 30 years, but have always used books to look up the meanings of cards. It’s kind of embarrassing at this point. So, as a part of that effort, and as part of my efforts to use this blog more, I’m going…
Wanted: Pagan writing group
So I’ve been rounding out 2015 by going through my Create Your Shining Year workbooks, and I’ve been following some groups on Facebook that are doing the same. Already, I’ve joined two spinoff groups, one for tarot and one for writing. I wish I was finding what I needed with the writing group, but…
Crystal Grid
.. To transmute negative energy into positive and protect the house/family.
Winter musings
So today I went to church for the first time in a very, very long time. The husbear was playing guitar for a choir started by some friends, and it was great to see them all perform. Everyone at the Methodist Church was incredibly sweet and welcoming, and they were so appreciative of…
Faith, for me, is a thing that’s just always been there. From my first Pagan stirrings as a kid to my deepest, most fervent period of study and worship, it’s just been there. Sometimes I count myself an Ostara/Yule Pagan, only really giving the minimum of effort, maybe a nod to the sabbats as they…
Mabon, balance, and bipolar
Mabon is normally one of my favorite sabbats. It signifies a turning toward the dark half of the year, which I love. The weather is slightly cooler, and it’s thrilling to think of the beautiful Autumn and Winter to come. I start thinking about apples and grapes and all the soups and chili I’ll…
My Creative Life 5-22-15
So. Yeah. I haven’t written here much lately. I haven’t written much ANYWHERE lately. And I know that I usually start of with some excuse about why I haven’t written. But if you’ll notice, I’ve shifted the focus from My ‘Writing’ Life to My ‘Creative’ Life. Because while I haven’t written lately, I’ve been arting…
Tarot reading for M
I normally wouldn’t have posted this here, but I wasn’t sure where else I could add the picture and the descriptions of the cards. So M, this one is for you. 🙂 ************************ M is a Pisces, and a fellow writer. We met through Camp NaNo, and found that we had a lot in common….
Beltane 2015
The only tradition I have on Beltane is the tradition of all my plans falling apart. I rarely ever celebrate the way I plan, and I rarely, if ever, get to have sex on Beltane. This year, as per usual, my plans all fell apart. Except for the sex. I’ll leave off of the details,…
My Writing Life 3/27/2015
So this week I came up with a ridiculous little game to play with myself. I decided, for motivation and accountability’s sake to start ‘clocking in’ when I write or edit. I commit to a certain number of hours per week of writing, and a certain number of hours of editing, and I’ve been using…
My Writing Life 3/20/2015
This week, I spent another lovely 5 days listening to the Right Brainers in Business Summit, and again, was incredibly inspired. I’ve found so many books I want to read, so many people to follow on Facebook, so many people who inspire me, and so much has blossomed in my mind. It’s definitely a needed…
My Writing Life 3/13/2015
I was somewhat less productive overall this week, but it was for a good reason. I was feeding my brain. I found the wonder that is the Right-Brainers in Business 2015 Summit, and I’ve been listening to wonderful interviews with some really motivating, inspiring people. After attending a SheWrites.com ‘webinar’ on finding readers, I was…