I have a confession. I’m obsessed with this song. I found it in the very earliest days of Napster, and have never been able to find the same version again, though all versions seem to be pretty good. Here are a few. I have to say that this last group looks like a…
Category: Pagan
Last day.
So this is my last day of my 30s. I’m feeling a bit pensive, as one would. So between weirdly scheduled appointments on opposite sides of town, I’m finding myself with a lot of time to kill. Right now I’m here at Morgan Falls Overlook Park. I’m almost alone, except for some loud asshole, speaking…
Where I’m going and where I’ve been. (Holiday debriefing)
The holidays were strange this year. That’s relatively typical. It seems there’s always something going on during the holidays that keep me from being able to relax into them. The past 2 years, I worked retail, and I was stressed, overworked, undersleeping, and in a lot of pain. This year seemed to be a little…
Connection is a word that means a lot to me lately. It’s something I’m looking for. I want to connect to my husband more. I want to connect to the power of abundance in the universe. I want to connect to my chosen family and close friends. We’re starting to see someone new, and I…
Today’s bird omens
Crows: 3 for a wedding, then later 2 for mirth Other: Saw a huge barn own fly right over my head with a smaller bird chasing it, though not trying to attack, just kind of following. I think I know what this means, but too soon to tell for sure. 🙂
Pagan Blog Project Week 41- Undines
Undines are one type of four elemental spirits in alchemy, and they represent the element of water. Their counterparts are salamanders (fire), sylphs (air), and gnomes (earth). They were first discussed in relation to alchemy by Paracelsus in the 15th century, but were later found represented in art and literature as a later representation of…
Orb Weaver Spider
See? They’re showing up everywhere. This one is right outside my back door. No color filters were used, just vignette and a border.
Pagan Blog Project Week 39- Trixie (Willowisp characters)
Trixie. Oh how I love Trixie. In many ways, Trixie has been kind of an ideal for me, someone I would have enjoyed finding for Bear and I. Now, I’m less interested in submissive partners, but still… Why does this fit in with the Pagan Blog Project? Well, because Willowisp is a Pagan town, plunked…
Happy Mabon! (a quickie)
I really love all the sabbats for various reasons. Imbolc is kind of my ‘going within’ time, where I spend time huddled up next to a fire, reading or knitting or something similar. Samhain is fabulous, and you can’t be Pagan and dislike Samhain. It’s just not possible. Even Litha, though I don’t like Summer,…
Psychic Reading, 9/21/2014
I took my sister out for her birthday today, and we hit our favorite metaphysical/new age stores. At the second one, we just happened upon a psychic fair, and as we’d been talking about our life paths, she decided to buy us each a reading. (Typical, I take her out for her birthday, and she…
Pagan Blog Project Week 38- Spider Symbolism
When a creature shows up in your life over and over, that can be for various reasons. It can just be the time of year when they tend to hang out, and that’s certainly true of spiders in September here in the South. But sometimes, if you see them even more than usual, it can…
Pagan Blog Project Week 36- Regrouping and Redirecting my energy
I have a small problem with losing focus now and again. I get excited about new projects, and forget everything that I was already working on. I need something new and shiny to pique my interest, or I need to find a way to refresh my enthusiasm for projects already in progress. Dragon*Con is great…
Pagan Blog Project Week 32- Protection Stones and Herbs
So, I felt bad because I really wanted to do one week on protection and one week on purification for the Pagan Blog Project. I would still like to do the same sort of post for purification, but that will be outside the scope of the Pagan Blog Project, as we’re moving on to Q…
Pagan Blog Project Week 30- Obsidian
Obsidian is created when liquid silica (lava) is ejected from a volcanic eruption. It is cooled so quickly that it doesn’t have a chance to form any crystalline structures. It’s known as volcanic glass for this reason. It’s usally a smooth, dark, brittle stone that shows very sharp edges when it’s broken. It’s usually dark…
Pagan Blog Project Week 29- Oudh
Oudh, also known as agarwood or aloeswood, is a rare and wonderful aromatic wood used in incense making. It originated in Assam, and then spread throughout Asia. The precious resin is created when the heart wood of the evergreen tree is infected with a very specific mold. Because of the very specific conditions in which…
Pagan Blog Project Week 28- Nag Champa
I like incense. I like incense a LOT. One of my favorite memories is my 13th birthday. It’s one that my father didn’t forget, which was miraculous. I had decided that I wanted nothing more in the world than a deck of tarot cards. I don’t even know how I knew about tarot cards at…
Pagan Blog Project Week 25- Muscadine Wine
As Pagans, we tend to be a little more aware of the cycles of nature and the turning of the seasons. As a home beer/winemaker, this is especially evident in the cycle of fruits that are available for winemaking each Spring, Summer, and Fall. However, in the South, there is no wine fruit so revered…
Pagan Blog Project Week 24- Lust
Where has this been all this time? Oh right, it’s been located at http://paganblogproject.com/. For quite a while, actually. I just didn’t know to look for it. Pagan Blog Project is a weekly blog prompt, where you write on the topic (right now, it’s a new letter every week), and you share it on your blog…
New podcast project and office reorganization
Sorry I’ve been quiet lately, I’ve been a little swept up in first edits on my novel, Altar of Change. I’m nearly finished, and then I’ll be asking some friends to read through and hack it apart so I can make it stronger, better. While I’ve been editing, I’ve had another idea gestating in my…
Spirit branch offerings- April pink moon
We tied and crafted two new offerings for our spirit branch tonight. My offering was green and gold and used yarn, embroidery thread, aventurine beads, and a piece of jade tied to a turmeric root for healing. I annointed it with some healing oil and lit a healing candle once it was attached to the…
Herbs for fibromyalgia (and other chronic inflammatory diseases)
More herbal goodies I’ve been working on.. Also getting ready to do a block of editing on my first novel to hopefully *gasp* put it ‘out there’ sometime in the near future. 🙂 Herbs for fibromyalgia (and other chronic inflammatory diseases).
Ostara feast menu
I was going to have better pics, but I used too much Veganaise on the potato salad, and Bear got creative with purple food coloring on the eggless frittata. We’re still working on tweaking recipes for a book I’m working on called The Vegan Pagan. 🙂 Ostara Feast: * Baby spinach salad with strawberries, mushrooms,…
Spirit Branch pt 2
So we dug through my ribbons, yarns, and beads, created something that was meaningful to each of us, and said a few words as we tied our first offerings on. Then I lit a candle and some kyphi to enhance the atmosphere for some meditating I want to do later. The spirit branch is sparse,…
Spirit Branch
So, I was supposed to be super productive today. I was going to finish my Full Moon Offering incense, write about my 5th patron deity, maybe write a bit more about my complicated relationship with Inanna, clean my side of the room, bathe the doggies, maybe even collect some cherry blossoms. It didn’t work out…
My patron deities- Inanna (Fire)
The Backstory Inanna came to me at a very pivotal time in my life. My partner of 7 years had just dumped me to go live with her new girlfriend the next state over, and my world was turned upside down. We had experienced lesbian bed death about 3 years in, and my self esteem…
My patron deities- Sarasvati (Air)
Creativity can be a double-edged sword. On one side, dreaming up and making beautiful things is wonderful, right? Whether you dream in poetry, write your truth, sing the song of your people, or bring a vision to life, you’re tapping into a process as old as humanity, and perhaps older. However, what happens when you’re…
My patron deities- Lakshmi (Earth)
Lakshmi came to me at the same time that her sister, Sarasvati, did. She is the Hindu Goddess of wealth, luck, and family. To me, she has always been the Queen of Pentacles, and all the groundedness and abundance that embodies. She’s often portrayed seated or standing in a lotus, hovering over a river which…
Concocting- What to do when your sources disagree?
Meanwhile, over on Ravenson Reagents…
My patron deities- Yemaya (water)
I’ve been thinking a lot about writing about my patron deities. I have a few, you see. 5 to be exact. Actually, 6, but one is a special case, and I’ll talk about him last. They’ve all revealed themselves to me at different times, and I intend to talk about them in that order. My…
Hoping to post videos a bit more often…
Imbolc Enchanted Map cards reading.
Hoping to post videos a bit more often…
Imbolc Enchanted Map cards reading.