Energy Redirection

I’ve been going through a bit of a crisis lately.   The fibro has pretty much changed the way I look at everything.  It made me reexamine how I spend my energy, who I give it to, and what actually feeds me energy back.  I’ve spent the last 2 years getting more weak, feeling less ME….

Tarot Reading 12/8/2013

It’s been a while since I’ve done a tarot reading for myself, and so I thought I would do a general reading just asking about the year ahead.  I didn’t focus on work, relationships, money, creativity, health, or any of the other things that occupy my every waking minute, I decided to just let the…

More bird omens and good coffee

This morning, when I was taking our roommate into work, I nearly ran into 4 huge crows in the middle of the road who were fighting over some poor dead critter.  I’ve always been a huge fan of the crow rhyme (have I listed it here?), and 4 is for birth.  So I’m wondering what…

More bird omens and good coffee

This morning, when I was taking our roommate into work, I nearly ran into 4 huge crows in the middle of the road who were fighting over some poor dead critter.  I’ve always been a huge fan of the crow rhyme (have I listed it here?), and 4 is for birth.  So I’m wondering what…

Glogg recipe

This is something I’ve made for years and years.  Be careful drinking it!  It will hit you like a sledgehammer.  A delicious, Swedish, Yuletide sledgehammer. Glogg Heat one bottle dry red wine with one sliced orange, 3/4 cups raisins, 1/2 cup blanched almonds, 6 cardamom pods, 5 cloves, and a cinnamon stick. (spices should be…

Krampusnacht in Austria

Krampusnacht in Austria LOVE the pics in this piece.  I have got to make it to Austria some November.

A year and a day

Reblogged from, which is where I put my REALLY woogie pagan stuff.  :0)   A year and a day.

All Soul’s Night

I didn’t do a lot for Samhain. I mostly had a headache and tried to sleep to prepare for NaNoWriMo. So here. Have a song from Loreena Mckennitt. You’re welcome. 🙂

Moth symbolism

So, something you may not know about the Bear.  He’s 6’6″, 300+ lbs, sports a mean-looking mohawk, and generally looks bad ass.  However, he hates, hates HATES moths.  He runs from our porch steps to the door as quickly as possible, because their fluttery hijinx freak him out.  As his loving, doting wife, I obviously…