Deck Interview- The Wild Unknown Tarot

I received this deck several weeks ago, and haven’t had a chance to spend time with it until today.  I’ve been carrying it around, shuffling it, admiring the beautiful art, but hadn’t committed the time to actually use it in a reading.  Today, however, I’m taking my second day of Yule to work with it…

Bewitching the Cards- 7 of Wands

Sorry I’m so late posting this.  Lots of Thanksgiving shopping and food prep happened today.  🙂 Also, my new music is by my talented husbear.  <3  

Let Govember!

So I was talking to a friend, and we were discussing how we both have a lot of negative energy in our lives.  We talked about how we could both do with a good housecleaning, physically, emotionally, mentally, etc.  I usually don’t have trouble eliminating negativity from my life in small ways, but sometimes you…