I’m usually a pretty good cook, better than average I’d say. There are a few things that I really don’t excel at, however, frying being one of those. Tonight I was testing out a recipe for The Vegan Pagan Kitchen, and it really turned out badly. I tried to make fried okra, and I used…
Category: Sabbats
Vegan Beltane menu
We celebrated Beltane a little late this year. I needed a combination of time and money to come together, and that didn’t come together until Tuesday the 3rd. As that also happens to be Billy Ocean day, we were doubly festive. We’ve been eating mostly vegan, all vegetarian for a while now. I love eating…
Poem- Beltane
Beltane Beltane approaches us, boys and girls. Time to frolic, and whirl, and twirl, Around the Maypole, so strong and so tall, Symbol of the God, who fertilizes all The crops in the fields, our harvest to come, For sacrifice in fall, to feed everyone. But now we celebrate his union divine With the Goddess,…
Ostara- Renewal, rebirth, rejuvenation
Ostara has always been a favorite sabbat of mine. The first ritual I ever put together and performed was on Ostara. I was enamoured. I felt the new life of Spring coursing through my body, I felt the sacredness of the change of seasons, I felt the magick of the Goddess in her transformation. I…
Tarot- March 20th, 2016
Happy Ostara! I’ll be writing a little more about Ostara and the powers of rebirth, renewal, and rejuvenation in a separate post, which I’ll probably post tomorrow. But I will say that today was great. I got to spend lots of good time with my Bear, and it’s just generally been lovely. I needed it….
Tarot- January 31st, 2015
This week’s draw is from my very first deck, the Sacred Rose Tarot. My father bought it for me when I was 12 at the Sphynx bookstore in Atlanta. (Does anyone else remember the Sphynx?) He kept asking me if I was SURE that I wanted these for my birthday, and I kept insisting that…
Mabon, balance, and bipolar
Mabon is normally one of my favorite sabbats. It signifies a turning toward the dark half of the year, which I love. The weather is slightly cooler, and it’s thrilling to think of the beautiful Autumn and Winter to come. I start thinking about apples and grapes and all the soups and chili I’ll…
Beltane 2015
The only tradition I have on Beltane is the tradition of all my plans falling apart. I rarely ever celebrate the way I plan, and I rarely, if ever, get to have sex on Beltane. This year, as per usual, my plans all fell apart. Except for the sex. I’ll leave off of the details,…
My Writing Life 3/20/2015
This week, I spent another lovely 5 days listening to the Right Brainers in Business Summit, and again, was incredibly inspired. I’ve found so many books I want to read, so many people to follow on Facebook, so many people who inspire me, and so much has blossomed in my mind. It’s definitely a needed…
The Witches Reel
I have a confession. I’m obsessed with this song. I found it in the very earliest days of Napster, and have never been able to find the same version again, though all versions seem to be pretty good. Here are a few. I have to say that this last group looks like a…
Where I’m going and where I’ve been. (Holiday debriefing)
The holidays were strange this year. That’s relatively typical. It seems there’s always something going on during the holidays that keep me from being able to relax into them. The past 2 years, I worked retail, and I was stressed, overworked, undersleeping, and in a lot of pain. This year seemed to be a little…
Happy Mabon! (a quickie)
I really love all the sabbats for various reasons. Imbolc is kind of my ‘going within’ time, where I spend time huddled up next to a fire, reading or knitting or something similar. Samhain is fabulous, and you can’t be Pagan and dislike Samhain. It’s just not possible. Even Litha, though I don’t like Summer,…
Ostara feast menu
I was going to have better pics, but I used too much Veganaise on the potato salad, and Bear got creative with purple food coloring on the eggless frittata. We’re still working on tweaking recipes for a book I’m working on called The Vegan Pagan. 🙂 Ostara Feast: * Baby spinach salad with strawberries, mushrooms,…
Glogg recipe
This is something I’ve made for years and years. Be careful drinking it! It will hit you like a sledgehammer. A delicious, Swedish, Yuletide sledgehammer. Glogg Heat one bottle dry red wine with one sliced orange, 3/4 cups raisins, 1/2 cup blanched almonds, 6 cardamom pods, 5 cloves, and a cinnamon stick. (spices should be…
Krampusnacht in Austria
Krampusnacht in Austria LOVE the pics in this piece. I have got to make it to Austria some November.