Category: Personal Journal
Bewitching Your Day 22- Polyamory
Notes: Since the recording of this podcast, our poly has changed. It often does! Maybe I’ll record a new episode sometime soon about how we maintain our relationship now. 🙂 More Information: Pagan Polyamory: Becoming a Tribe of Hearts by Raven Kaldera Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships by Tristan Taormino…
Vegan Beltane menu
We celebrated Beltane a little late this year. I needed a combination of time and money to come together, and that didn’t come together until Tuesday the 3rd. As that also happens to be Billy Ocean day, we were doubly festive. We’ve been eating mostly vegan, all vegetarian for a while now. I love eating…
Tarot- May 1st, 2016 (actually pulled on May 4th)
Sorry about the lateness of this one. Beltane happened. And a Beltane feast. And staying at my mom’s house. And honestly, I also forgot. So, to celebrate my complete lack of attention this week, I decided to use a completely different deck. This is The Motherpeace Tarot by Karen Vogle and Vicki Noble. I was…
Bewitching Your Day 3- Disabilities and Spirituality
More Information: Rooted in the Body, Seeking the Soul by Tara “Masery” Miller Pagans and Wiccans with Disabilities on Disabled Witches and Pagans and Friends on Vulcan’s Sister: A blog about Paganism and disability
Bewitching Your Day 1- Introduction
********************************************* After the happy chaos of NaPoWriMo, I’m kind of enjoying the idea of releasing something creative each and every day into the universe. I recorded 22 episodes of this podcast, almost 2 years ago, and then recorded another 13 some time later. My original intention was to create 366 episodes, but I…
Poem- Haikus #6
Haikus #6 Cancer encroaching A long emotional day Haiku copout Dogs peed everywhere When I got home from running All of my errands Want to burn my house Down to the ground and find some New place to reside Bigtime shitty day Nothing positive to say Lame-ass haikus No AC in car Spent the day…
Throat chakra stones
So, a few months ago, I decided to do some work on healing my heart chakra from grief. It went pretty well, though the real test will come the next time ‘something bad’ happens. It remains to be seen whether I handle it gracefully or fall apart. Now that I’ve done that work, as I…
Poem- Clearing/cleansing spell for renewal
Clearing/cleansing spell for renewal Cleaning and clearing, this space I renew. Widdershins I travel, stagnation to undo. I dust and I sweep, I get rid of clutter, To let in new energy, the light of the mother. No more will my life be ruled by these things. I’m ready for new energy the universe now…
Poem- Haiku #5 (Expansion and Contraction)
Expand and contract My energy is failing Tried to do too much My fibro body Is filled with muscles aching Simply exhausted ******************************************** These poems sum up perfectly how I’ve been feeling today. For the past week or so, I’ve been feeling pretty good. I’ve been feeling expansive. I’ve been joining groups, making friends, and…
Poem- Throwaway Day
Throwaway Day Limbs heavy and sore, eyelids drooping. But I keep thinking about symmetry in art, And in nature, and in the heart. Soma (350mg) keeps me from the worst of it. It also keeps me dull, weak. So I feel every cold breeze as pain, Every move an assault. My mind creates all the…
Ostara- Renewal, rebirth, rejuvenation
Ostara has always been a favorite sabbat of mine. The first ritual I ever put together and performed was on Ostara. I was enamoured. I felt the new life of Spring coursing through my body, I felt the sacredness of the change of seasons, I felt the magick of the Goddess in her transformation. I…
200th post! 200 things I’m grateful for
Yeah, this post is just going to be long. Really, really long. Don’t feel compelled to try to read the whole thing just because I feel compelled to write it. :0) I’m going to use first names of friends, as I want to keep this relatively anonymous, but first initials would just get confusing. And…
Heart chakra blues
I mentioned in my weekly tarot pull last week that grief is something I have a lot of recent experience with. Losing Valentine took me back into that dark place where I felt like death and loss were all I had to look forward to, and though it didn’t last for more than a few…
Tarot- February 29th, 2016
I’m sorry this post is a day late, but yesterday was a rat day. We had to jump through some hoops to treat our Stanley for lice (generally, rats don’t appreciate bath time), and we had to bury our beloved Valentine, who passed on the 24th. I spent 3 days nursing him- hoping, despairing, hoping…
Oracle- February 14th, 2016
Sorry this post is a little later in the day than I intended. It’s Valentine’s Day, which my husband and I take very seriously. We had a great day that started with adopting a new rat (a friend for our pet Stanley) from a friend. Then when we came home, Bear surprised…
Stones for self-care
I’ve blogged a few times about how winter, and January in particular, are really tough for me. The loop of cold -> fibro pain -> depression -> fibro pain -> depression -> fibro pain -> depression compounds itself into an overall shitty time for me. I’ve spent a lot more days in bed this month…
Wanted: Pagan writing group
So I’ve been rounding out 2015 by going through my Create Your Shining Year workbooks, and I’ve been following some groups on Facebook that are doing the same. Already, I’ve joined two spinoff groups, one for tarot and one for writing. I wish I was finding what I needed with the writing group, but…
Winter musings
So today I went to church for the first time in a very, very long time. The husbear was playing guitar for a choir started by some friends, and it was great to see them all perform. Everyone at the Methodist Church was incredibly sweet and welcoming, and they were so appreciative of…
Faith, for me, is a thing that’s just always been there. From my first Pagan stirrings as a kid to my deepest, most fervent period of study and worship, it’s just been there. Sometimes I count myself an Ostara/Yule Pagan, only really giving the minimum of effort, maybe a nod to the sabbats as they…
Mabon, balance, and bipolar
Mabon is normally one of my favorite sabbats. It signifies a turning toward the dark half of the year, which I love. The weather is slightly cooler, and it’s thrilling to think of the beautiful Autumn and Winter to come. I start thinking about apples and grapes and all the soups and chili I’ll…
Dragon Con preparations
1. Get laundry done, pick out outfits, DON’T WEAR THEM UNTIL DC 2. Find notebook, transcribe notes from last year 3. Go through swag from last year, add books to reading list on Goodreads, throw away swag 4. Clean out Dragon Con bag, pack with notebook, pens, chapstick, BPAL, etc 5. Download app, double and…
My Creative Life 5-22-15
So. Yeah. I haven’t written here much lately. I haven’t written much ANYWHERE lately. And I know that I usually start of with some excuse about why I haven’t written. But if you’ll notice, I’ve shifted the focus from My ‘Writing’ Life to My ‘Creative’ Life. Because while I haven’t written lately, I’ve been arting…
Beltane 2015
The only tradition I have on Beltane is the tradition of all my plans falling apart. I rarely ever celebrate the way I plan, and I rarely, if ever, get to have sex on Beltane. This year, as per usual, my plans all fell apart. Except for the sex. I’ll leave off of the details,…
My (non) writing life 4/24/15
Yeah, I’ve blown this off for two weeks now. I also haven’t been using my ‘timesheet’ method of self-motivation. There are reasons. The main one being that each time I start a new medicine, I get to adapt to a new round of side effects. This last one gave me the ‘sleeping 18 hours/day’ side…
My Writing Life, April 5, 2015
Wow. I totally blew this off yesterday. Didn’t even think about it once. I had kind of a rough day, between the pollen getting into my system and inflaming everything that’s already inflamed (my joints always get swollen and painful when the yellow stuff is falling), and some emotional stuff over on Facebook. Basically, it…
My Writing Life 3/13/2015
I was somewhat less productive overall this week, but it was for a good reason. I was feeding my brain. I found the wonder that is the Right-Brainers in Business 2015 Summit, and I’ve been listening to wonderful interviews with some really motivating, inspiring people. After attending a ‘webinar’ on finding readers, I was…
My Writing Life 3/6/15
Accountability. It’s something I struggle with. Since I left my job in June of last year, my life has been rather freeform. Freeform is a great arrangement for creativity, but it’s also a great arrangement for procrastination, loneliness, and when you’re dealing with heavy health stuff, depression. I’ve been trying to find ways to combat…
The Witches Reel
I have a confession. I’m obsessed with this song. I found it in the very earliest days of Napster, and have never been able to find the same version again, though all versions seem to be pretty good. Here are a few. I have to say that this last group looks like a…
40th birthday in Savannah
So, we took a trip. There’s really not much else to say. It was obviously wonderful. (I love travel more than anything else in this world). It was really just perfect and amazing, and Bear and I needed it. Highlights Day 1: Our hotel (The River Street Inn) was one of the coolest places I’ve…