So this is my last day of my 30s. I’m feeling a bit pensive, as one would. So between weirdly scheduled appointments on opposite sides of town, I’m finding myself with a lot of time to kill. Right now I’m here at Morgan Falls Overlook Park. I’m almost alone, except for some loud asshole, speaking…
Category: Personal Journal
Where I’m going and where I’ve been. (Holiday debriefing)
The holidays were strange this year. That’s relatively typical. It seems there’s always something going on during the holidays that keep me from being able to relax into them. The past 2 years, I worked retail, and I was stressed, overworked, undersleeping, and in a lot of pain. This year seemed to be a little…
I love you, Grandma.
After months of back-and-forth health, my grandmother passed on December 10th. She had had several heart attacks, congestive heart failures, and strokes over the past 2 years or so, but she promised everyone she would make it though the holidays. We believed her. She was a tough lady. We spent part of Thanksgiving at my…
Connection is a word that means a lot to me lately. It’s something I’m looking for. I want to connect to my husband more. I want to connect to the power of abundance in the universe. I want to connect to my chosen family and close friends. We’re starting to see someone new, and I…
Orb Weaver Spider
See? They’re showing up everywhere. This one is right outside my back door. No color filters were used, just vignette and a border.
Happy Mabon! (a quickie)
I really love all the sabbats for various reasons. Imbolc is kind of my ‘going within’ time, where I spend time huddled up next to a fire, reading or knitting or something similar. Samhain is fabulous, and you can’t be Pagan and dislike Samhain. It’s just not possible. Even Litha, though I don’t like Summer,…
Psychic Reading, 9/21/2014
I took my sister out for her birthday today, and we hit our favorite metaphysical/new age stores. At the second one, we just happened upon a psychic fair, and as we’d been talking about our life paths, she decided to buy us each a reading. (Typical, I take her out for her birthday, and she…
Pagan Blog Project Week 31- Procrastination
I meant to get this in earlier. I meant to do an interesting and informative post about protective stones. I meant to accomplish things today. However, I’m on my second day of very little sleep, and I’ll be waking up early again tomorrow. The fibro is creeping up, and I can’t bring myself to focus…
Pagan Blog Project Week 26- Mantra (and Mammaries)
My Goddess wants me to be happy. *crosses legs, straightens spine, begins breathing deeply and mindfully* My Goddess wants me to be happy. My Goddess wants me to be happy. *begins tensing and releasing muscle groups, starting at head and moving downward* My Goddess wants me to be happy. My Goddess wants me to be…
Pagan Blog Project Week 24- Lust
Where has this been all this time? Oh right, it’s been located at For quite a while, actually. I just didn’t know to look for it. Pagan Blog Project is a weekly blog prompt, where you write on the topic (right now, it’s a new letter every week), and you share it on your blog…
Mesmerizing Fusion Belly Dance
I’ve always loved Beats Antique, so when I stumbled upon videos of Zoe Jakes performing, I had to stop and watch. This one was particularly incredible. 🙂
Herbs for fibromyalgia (and other chronic inflammatory diseases)
More herbal goodies I’ve been working on.. Also getting ready to do a block of editing on my first novel to hopefully *gasp* put it ‘out there’ sometime in the near future. 🙂 Herbs for fibromyalgia (and other chronic inflammatory diseases).
Spirit Branch
So, I was supposed to be super productive today. I was going to finish my Full Moon Offering incense, write about my 5th patron deity, maybe write a bit more about my complicated relationship with Inanna, clean my side of the room, bathe the doggies, maybe even collect some cherry blossoms. It didn’t work out…
Energy Redirection
I’ve been going through a bit of a crisis lately. The fibro has pretty much changed the way I look at everything. It made me reexamine how I spend my energy, who I give it to, and what actually feeds me energy back. I’ve spent the last 2 years getting more weak, feeling less ME….
Today Bear and I are here at our local Korean sauna, doing the annual ‘I don’t celebrate my birthday anymore, but I still want to go to the sauna’ trip. I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks. There are so many good things about this place. Right now I’m sitting in the red clay…
How fibro feels.
I try not to bitch and whine too much about health stuff here. Honestly, nobody really wants to know that much detail about the pain that others go through, and who can blame them? Life is filled with pain and health trouble, so why dwell on it? But here’s the thing. I tell people that…
How fibro feels.
I try not to bitch and whine too much about health stuff here. Honestly, nobody really wants to know that much detail about the pain that others go through, and who can blame them? Life is filled with pain and health trouble, so why dwell on it? But here’s the thing. I tell people that…
Winter is coming.
Trees and a weak winter sun. (I didn’t make these B&W, it wss just a very grey day and it worked out that way.)
Bear is doing a performance with the Atlanta Radio Theater Company tonight, and while they were rehearsing, I walked around and explored the area. …. I also saw 4 crows together again, and several hawks. 🙂