I was really stoked about camp, but I’m going to have to put it off. I AM still going to try to write, but the 50K probably won’t be happening unless I just freak out and do a lot of work at the end of the month. You see, my bear had a heart attack. …
Category: Uncategorized
Camp NaNoWriMo
It begins in 8 days! I have a few goals for this time, including working from an outline (not my specialty), updating my wordcount here every day (a la Cherie Priest), and cleaning my room. That last one will be easy to do as I procrastinate. I’m going a bit out of order with this…
Writing a rape scene
Yeah. I did that. I didn’t enjoy it, but it had to be done. The worst part is that it was a character that I really like a lot. But something bad had to happen to her to wrap up a plot point and move the action along. It kinda fucked me up a bit,…
Back in the saddle again..
I wish that I was the kind of person who could develop a daily writing routine. Sadly, that isn’t my style. I thrive with NaNoWriMo pressure, but when I’m not in the middle of that, daily life tends to get in my way. For example; since NaNo, I’ve gone through some major changes. I’ve started…
Story idea from a dream
A person happens upon a bag of crystals that allow her to travel. For every trip she takes, a crystal is consumed, and steals a part of her soul. If she uses all the crystals, she dies. But each place she visits is increasingly more fantastic and unbelievable, and she can’t help herself. The wanderlust…
I just spent the entire night researching one niggling little plot point. I only wrote about 1000 words because I simply couldn’t go on without deciding this one thing.. I was SO frustrated, and SO pissed off. And then it clicked. And BOOM! All these little hanging bits of the story line started connecting almost…
NaNo update..
OK, so I haven’t been writing here. But that’s fine. I’ve been writing my book. I’m at 8083 words for Nano, 45,095 all together, and I’m hoping that I have another few hundred in me before bed. We’ll see. Today was supposed to be a huge day of writing, but I just couldn’t focus. I…
Every fucking time.
Every time I start getting excited about working on my novel again, someone gets horribly sick and/or dies. First, Dad. Then, on the third day of NaNo last year, I had a pair of ovarian cysts burst and I was in a painkiller coma for about a week. I was slowly starting to work on…
NaNo day 1
I wrote 2948 words, which is almost twice what I would nee to write per day to get it done by Nov 30.. I’m trying to build in a cushion for myself since I don’t know how training will go.. My worries so far? I have the attention span of a brain-damaged fish. Seriously. I…
NaNo starts NOW!
Don’t judge me for starting 1/2 hr late.. There was sex to be had. And I may not have time for sex for a few weeks, so I figured it was better to get it while I could. I’ve lit the candles and some incense on my creativity/motivation altar, and I’m ready to go! My…
NaNo prep..
What have I done to prepare for NaNo? Not a whole hell of a lot. I honestly meant to plan out at least the next two sections, but it’s been a no-go so far. Why? Well I’ve applied for a new job, and it’s been a fucking crisis trying to get all my paperwork done…
Word count 10/19
HOF-paid 1 2392 June’s story 3368 Altar of Change 37,432 (only 500+ words) The scene I’m writing should be easier than it is. It’s very relevant to my life right now. However, there’s just so much emotion there that I’m trying my best to capture something that may be elusive. At the very…
Word count 10/18
HOF-paid 1 2392 June’s story 3368 Altar of Change 36,879 (Almost 1000 words. Not great, but at least I wrote tonight.) ******************************** Other things I did tonight: I did some research, trying to find an Asian culture for one of my characters. She’s going to be Filipino, because they’re very conservative. That’s what…
It was nice knowing you all..
…. but I’m going to be NaNoWriMo’s bitch in November. Y’all take care! 🙂
9/20/11 ending word count
HOF-paid 1 2392 June’s story 3368 Novel 35,944 (I had previously gotten over 36,000, then edited a scene out) ******************** Hey, it’s not a ton, but I got SOMEWHERE. I’m hoping to finish this story at about 5000-7000 words, and hope to publish it as part of a series at some point. Also, I’m going…
9/20/11 Word counts
HOF-paid 1 1532 June’s story 3368 Novel 35,944 (I had previously gotten over 36,000, then edited a scene out) ******************** In related news, I think I named my novel. And, by extension, my second novel. I don’t want to reveal the name just yet, as I want to give it time to marinate a bit. …
Word Counts.
In the style of Cherie Priest, I’m going to start posting the word counts of everything I’m working on. Hopefully this will be another way to get my ass in gear with the writing? Hopefully? Please? *********************************************** HOF-paid 1 731 June’s story 3368 Novel 35,944 (I had previously gotten over 36,000, then edited a scene…
Final word count for tonight
30,915. Only about 1,000 words, but I’m 1,000 words closer to finishing, so fuck it. 🙂
30,000 words!
W00t! OK, going to go and write more, just wanted to post that. 🙂
More roadblocks.
Things that have been fucking me up. 1. I went a solid month with NO days off. I was stressed, exhausted, moody, and doing NOTHING productive for myself aside from just showing up to work each day. 2. I had worries about losing my job. That just made me worry more about finances, taxes, etc.,…
Turned a corner
I did something last night that makes me unreasonably proud. I printed the first of 5 parts of my book. I did that so that Phantom can attack it with a purple pen. (His favorite color). I know that there are a lot of things that need to be changed, but a unique view point…
Writing music.
This is the Pandora station that I created to go with this book. WRITING RADIO I included a lot of things that matched the mood of the book, including Southern and alt country, new agey foo-foo, goth and darkwave, world fusion, and anything pagany sounding. There’s a lot of Loreena McKennitt and Led Zeppelin. LOVE…
Another note..
I’m trying to come up with some really stupid, annoying accidents to happen to my character. Nothing that would hack off a limb, but those little annoying things that just fuck up your day. Sadly, I’m finding more than enough inspiration mining my own past. It’s kind of funny/weird going over all of the stupid…
Note to self..
Writing is not difficult as long as I JUST SIT DOWN AND DO IT! It’s the worrying about finding time to write, the freaking out about where I’m going next in the story, trying to figure out all the logistics of time and space, THAT is the difficult part. I started today with a word…
Yay, writing!!
I just wrote about 1300 words on my book and maybe 500 on my short story. To be fair, that’s not a ton, but it’s a lot more than I HAVE been writing. So I’m just going to take a moment to be proud of myself. *takes a moment* There. 🙂
Back into the swing?
I’m involved in my story again. I’ve mentioned before that sometimes I just need to set aside time, and go to some other place to make myself write again. So last night, I wrote about 2500 words at Barnes and Noble. It was a sex scene. A lesbian sex scene. And while the characters I…
Glint tidings.
Ok, things have finally settled for me. Phantom returned to town a little over a month ago, and we’re back to some sort of a routine. I need that routine to do anything creative. So I’ve had the urge to write. What’s wanting to be written right now, however, is not my book,…