I don’t know why it is that I sometimes just need to get out of the house to jog myself. I get so bogged down in the work/clean/survive/take care of doggies cycle at work, that writing there is just tough. When I open my MacBook, I just want to watch something mindless, not put more…
Category: Uncategorized
Well, I still haven’t been writing, but I HAVE been creative. Because of some impending financial disaster and misery, I’ve found myself needing to find a way to make money that’s quick and won’t make me hate my life in addition to the two jobs I already have. Writing is a future goal, but I…
Well, I still haven’t been writing, but I HAVE been creative. Because of some impending financial disaster and misery, I’ve found myself needing to find a way to make money that’s quick and won’t make me hate my life in addition to the two jobs I already have. Writing is a future goal, but I…
Current word count..
Ok, I only wrote 500 words. Still, I wrote 500 words. That’s 500 more than I had this am. I may play with it a bit more tonight, but I got the final scene done for my first part. I wasn’t quite sure if I just wanted to drop it where I left it, or…
I don’t think Phantom has ever really seen me in one of my truly manic phases. There are these times when everything just seems to FINALLY come together, and I have this insane creative, motivational rush. I’ve been in a funk for the past few days. It’s been a combination of missing Phantom, missing…
Another language beef
Especially in sex scenes, I’ve found that using the same terms over and over can be really distracting.. Pussy as sheath1st time: OK, sure.. *keeps reading*2nd time: Yes, very sheath-like. I concur wholeheartedly. *keeps reading*3rd time: Got it. It’s a sheath. Can we move on please? *keeps reading*4th time: Grrrrr.. *counts previous mentions*5th time: Goddammit….
I’m not going to explain..
..why I haven’t written, YET AGAIN. I’m also not going to explain about how I’m not going to beat myself up about it. I’m not going to bitch about how I’m setting myself up with impossible standards, and that the authors whose dedication I admire have writing as their ONLY job. (It’s my third…
I’m not going to explain..
..why I haven’t written, YET AGAIN. I’m also not going to explain about how I’m not going to beat myself up about it. I’m not going to bitch about how I’m setting myself up with impossible standards, and that the authors whose dedication I admire have writing as their ONLY job. (It’s my third…
Birthday creativity block
My birthdays are never all that great.. Something always comes up or important people forget or people are sick or dying or die around my bday… There’s just always something.. So I’ve learned to dread my natal return year after year.. I had just begun to feel hopeful about this one when I had a…
Strike 1!
It just occurred to me today that I didn’t write a single damn thing yesterday. I did record two podcasts, so at least I did something creative, but still. That really doesn’t count. So punishing myself isn’t going to work, and feeling like shit about it won’t do anything either. The more writing becomes a…
Current word count..
.. is 23488. I’m a bit stuck on how to end my first section (water), or if I’m at a good stopping point to go ahead and do it. I’ve already started writing my second part (earth). I’m really excited to be working on a new part of the story. It makes me wonder if…
Talk talk talk talk.. All you really do is talk talk..
Aside from motivating myself to write every day, my chief writing weakness is dialogue. I know this. It’s been quite some time (since college or earlier) since I really tried to write any. I asked Phantom to read some that I had written last night, and he politely agreed with me that my dialoge is…
I need to print this..
..and read it every single day.. http://davidhuntershaw.blogspot.com/2011/01/shut-up-and-write-official-manual… I got some writing in today, just a few sentences. Current word count: 22,553. We also went walking in the snow tonight. I got some good shots. They may end up on TrippingVine, but they may not since they weren’t really a trip OUT, as…
Current word count
21880. I have been writing, but mostly I have written things for THE SHOP. The work we’re putting into that now has a definite potential of being very important in our future, so it counts. And it was also creative. Today I fed my muse by going to an old local cemetery and taking pics….
Current Word Count..
Didn’t get to write much yesterday, since it was a shop/KATG day. But I did work on the latest scene a bit. So my current word count is 21824. Not great, but I AM keeping with my goal of writing something every day, no matter how small. I’m proud of myself for keeping up with…
Writing totems, rituals, and spaces
I’m thinking about writing some emails to some of the authors that I enjoy and/or admire. (Sometimes I admire an author that I don’t enjoy, and vice versa.) I’d love to find out if there are any little rituals or totems that they start out their writing sessions with. To give you an idea of…
Another change..
I’m moving all the content on Fleshvine.com to wordpress.Fleshvine.com. This seems like a small thing, but it’s not. This year my focus has shifted quite a lot. I loved having Fleshvine.com, and to be honest, Fleshvine is a HUGE part of who I am. It was great to have my own domain and my own…
Word Count
Today is 21617. I woke up today, then was still tired, so I crashed for another hour. What ACTUALLY ended up happening is that I began thinking about my next scene. I kept myself up, and got so excited that I decided to just write it instead of driving myself crazy with things I…
Also, a trick..
Today I unfollowed some people on Twitter that I never really interact with or that stopped followimg me some time ago. It feels fabulous. Makes me NOT dread checking TweetDeck anymore. I’ve also organized a lot of lists. Some lists, I mostly ignore now, while I pay special attention to others. The two lists I…
Last night I dreamt of pregnancy. Over and over again. Obviously, this wasn’t a literal dream, as I had a hysterectomy almost 4 years ago. But pregnancy can also be interpreted symbolically to mean being on the verge of creating something new. It’s very creative and brings to mind producing or ‘giving birth’ to something…
Current word count
A beginning.
I don’t believe in making New Year’s resolutions. I always forget about them. By about January 4th, I find myself getting back to the daily BS of ‘justgettingby’, and New Year’s might as well be a figment of my imagination. In fact, it seems to always be the ‘justgettingby’ that gets me. I spend a…