Haiku #2 Big panic attack My day is completely shot Haiku copout ***************** New moon intention Connecting with new people My candle is lit
Category: Writing
Poem- Spilling Over
Power of water to bless or drown, cleanse or stagnate Waves of emotion, washing the heart, pulling us under Filling the soul with twisting eddys, streams of compassion Flowing into our lives, soothing our minds Or perhaps bringing turbulence, chaotic and uncontrollable Salty, it is our blood, flowing through our veins Hydrating our tissues, bringing…
Poem- On Having a Husband That Cooks
On Having a Husband That Cooks I watched my grandmother cook For years. It was her nightly burden for Being born a woman. Having a husband was expected. Having children was expected. There was no choice. There was no alternative. Night after night, she met ingratitude, Sometimes hostility. “The corn is overcooked.” “The roast is…
Poem- Yemaya
Yemaya Salty, churning waves of mother’s love Offering connection, nourishment Linked by salt and chains of amino acids The life/death struggle Eating, mating Colors of green and blue and brown Shells clicking in her hair She dances us to life Quickens the stardust with laughter Her embrace, a homecoming
Poem- Throwaway Day
Throwaway Day Limbs heavy and sore, eyelids drooping. But I keep thinking about symmetry in art, And in nature, and in the heart. Soma (350mg) keeps me from the worst of it. It also keeps me dull, weak. So I feel every cold breeze as pain, Every move an assault. My mind creates all the…
Poem- Haiku #1
Peruvian food House work, Midnight Special, sex A happy full day ************* OK, this was a bit of a cop-out, but I was super busy today. As referenced above. 🙂
Poem- Hedge
Hedge Motley creatures, captive creeping Totem spirits on display Bright birds caged, flitting chirping Augury in flight, come what may Forest beasts, tracking sneaking Cavorting with the fae Ocean life, teeming brimming Primordial mother at play Mineral kingdom, waiting healing Veins of the earth, ancient ley Herbal helpers, growing thriving Healing the witch every…
Poem- She Turns
She Turns Stone to flesh, Her features resolve. Gardenia and moonflower, Jasmine and amber. Her eyes sparkle Reflecting her torch. She is the keeper of magick, Revealer of mysteries. Hers is the power of change, Instinct in action. Growing moon, magick increasing. Welcome to the crucible. She turns again Smile benevolent, She stands ready at…
Tarot- February 21st, 2016
This is yet another reading that really speaks to me personally, though I asked what the week held for anyone who reads this. As it’s mostly my husbear and I reading these posts so far, I suppose that makes sense. :0) This is my favorite deck, and the one I use for my…
Wanted: Pagan writing group
So I’ve been rounding out 2015 by going through my Create Your Shining Year workbooks, and I’ve been following some groups on Facebook that are doing the same. Already, I’ve joined two spinoff groups, one for tarot and one for writing. I wish I was finding what I needed with the writing group, but…
Camp NaNO
Nope. It doesn’t look like I’m going to make it for this Camp NaNoWriMo session either, unless I can somehow pull off 9000 words in the last three days. I’m at peace about it, however, because I have written 16,000 new words. And honestly, for a month’s worth of work, I don’t feel like that’s…
My Creative Life 5-22-15
So. Yeah. I haven’t written here much lately. I haven’t written much ANYWHERE lately. And I know that I usually start of with some excuse about why I haven’t written. But if you’ll notice, I’ve shifted the focus from My ‘Writing’ Life to My ‘Creative’ Life. Because while I haven’t written lately, I’ve been arting…
Tarot reading for M
I normally wouldn’t have posted this here, but I wasn’t sure where else I could add the picture and the descriptions of the cards. So M, this one is for you. 🙂 ************************ M is a Pisces, and a fellow writer. We met through Camp NaNo, and found that we had a lot in common….
My (non) writing life 4/24/15
Yeah, I’ve blown this off for two weeks now. I also haven’t been using my ‘timesheet’ method of self-motivation. There are reasons. The main one being that each time I start a new medicine, I get to adapt to a new round of side effects. This last one gave me the ‘sleeping 18 hours/day’ side…
My Writing Life, April 5, 2015
Wow. I totally blew this off yesterday. Didn’t even think about it once. I had kind of a rough day, between the pollen getting into my system and inflaming everything that’s already inflamed (my joints always get swollen and painful when the yellow stuff is falling), and some emotional stuff over on Facebook. Basically, it…
My Writing Life 3/27/2015
So this week I came up with a ridiculous little game to play with myself. I decided, for motivation and accountability’s sake to start ‘clocking in’ when I write or edit. I commit to a certain number of hours per week of writing, and a certain number of hours of editing, and I’ve been using…
My Writing Life 3/20/2015
This week, I spent another lovely 5 days listening to the Right Brainers in Business Summit, and again, was incredibly inspired. I’ve found so many books I want to read, so many people to follow on Facebook, so many people who inspire me, and so much has blossomed in my mind. It’s definitely a needed…
My Writing Life 3/13/2015
I was somewhat less productive overall this week, but it was for a good reason. I was feeding my brain. I found the wonder that is the Right-Brainers in Business 2015 Summit, and I’ve been listening to wonderful interviews with some really motivating, inspiring people. After attending a SheWrites.com ‘webinar’ on finding readers, I was…
My Writing Life 3/6/15
Accountability. It’s something I struggle with. Since I left my job in June of last year, my life has been rather freeform. Freeform is a great arrangement for creativity, but it’s also a great arrangement for procrastination, loneliness, and when you’re dealing with heavy health stuff, depression. I’ve been trying to find ways to combat…
The Witches Reel
I have a confession. I’m obsessed with this song. I found it in the very earliest days of Napster, and have never been able to find the same version again, though all versions seem to be pretty good. Here are a few. I have to say that this last group looks like a…
40th birthday in Savannah
So, we took a trip. There’s really not much else to say. It was obviously wonderful. (I love travel more than anything else in this world). It was really just perfect and amazing, and Bear and I needed it. Highlights Day 1: Our hotel (The River Street Inn) was one of the coolest places I’ve…
Last day.
So this is my last day of my 30s. I’m feeling a bit pensive, as one would. So between weirdly scheduled appointments on opposite sides of town, I’m finding myself with a lot of time to kill. Right now I’m here at Morgan Falls Overlook Park. I’m almost alone, except for some loud asshole, speaking…
Orb Weaver Spider
See? They’re showing up everywhere. This one is right outside my back door. No color filters were used, just vignette and a border.
Pagan Blog Project Week 39- Trixie (Willowisp characters)
Trixie. Oh how I love Trixie. In many ways, Trixie has been kind of an ideal for me, someone I would have enjoyed finding for Bear and I. Now, I’m less interested in submissive partners, but still… Why does this fit in with the Pagan Blog Project? Well, because Willowisp is a Pagan town, plunked…
Psychic Reading, 9/21/2014
I took my sister out for her birthday today, and we hit our favorite metaphysical/new age stores. At the second one, we just happened upon a psychic fair, and as we’d been talking about our life paths, she decided to buy us each a reading. (Typical, I take her out for her birthday, and she…
Pagan Blog Project Week 38- Spider Symbolism
When a creature shows up in your life over and over, that can be for various reasons. It can just be the time of year when they tend to hang out, and that’s certainly true of spiders in September here in the South. But sometimes, if you see them even more than usual, it can…
Pagan Blog Project Week 36- Regrouping and Redirecting my energy
I have a small problem with losing focus now and again. I get excited about new projects, and forget everything that I was already working on. I need something new and shiny to pique my interest, or I need to find a way to refresh my enthusiasm for projects already in progress. Dragon*Con is great…
Pagan Blog Project Week 27- NaNoWriMo
Specifically, Camp NaNoWriMo. This is the reason that I’m getting some words on the page right now. In fact, NaNo is the MAIN reason I’ve managed to write anything at all. There’s something seductive in a deadline. Something inspiring about seeing your stats everyday. Something about the good-natured competition that makes me actually accomplish my…
Another naNOwrimo.
I tried. I really did. I got to 17,451 words. But I haven’t written in the past 7 days, and I just don’t see myself making it, even though I logically know I could just bust my ass and finish it. There are a few reasons (excuses). One, sitting in bed for long hours is…