My Writing Life 3/13/2015

I was somewhat less productive overall this week, but it was for a good reason. I was feeding my brain. I found the wonder that is the Right-Brainers in Business 2015 Summit, and I’ve been listening to wonderful interviews with some really motivating, inspiring people.

After attending a ‘webinar’ on finding readers, I was actually kind of wishing that something like this existed. And lo and behold, Leonie Dawson posted something about it on Facebook. Kismet is a beautiful thing.

I can’t say enough nice things about this summit. It’s really helping me reframe my process, and lack thereof, and today’s interview on dealing with procrastination was invaluable. In fact, I’m typing this post THE DAY BEFORE IT’S DUE TO POST. (Wonder of wonders!)

Also this week, I:

* CLEANED MY DESK! It’s still not 100% perfect, I need to do things like crawl behind the desk to plug in speakers, organize and arrange things, etc., but it’s SO MUCH CLOSER to the sacred creative/writing space I’ve been craving. I’m very happy, and very proud of myself for persevering despite the pain that came from all the cleaning. The rest of the office still needs to be done, but the desk is 90% there. ๐Ÿ™‚

* Edited. I’m working on Air, the 3rd section of 5 in Altar of Change. Now that I have space to spread out and a comfortable chair, it’s just so much easier. I’m more motivated.

* Spent some time with tribe, soaking up nature. How is that writing related? Well, first, I spent some time grounding and connecting with Earth, which is a huge battery for me. Second, I’m trying to get outside more- to have the kind of experiences that may end up in a story some day.

I didn’t get a ton done, but I still feel satisfied. It was another rough week of dealing with the side effects of medications, and to be able to get ahead, even if not by leaps and bounds, is enough for me. Forward movement is forward movement. ๐Ÿ˜€

I didn’t manage to meet up with my friend today (I’m writing this part on Friday, as is proper) because we were both feeling a little blargh. We ended up chatting anyways, as we do, and we’ve rescheduled for Sunday. I’m cool with that. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m also hyper about the idea of building a Right Brain Business Plan, which is basically a vision board. I’ve been meaning to make a vision board anyways, and using one as a business plan to visualize the things you want to accomplish in your business, not just your daily life, strikes a chord with me. ๐Ÿ™‚

According to my doctor, I need to do whatever it takes to avoid stress. ย That includes the self-induced stress that I put myself through when I get excited about things. ย But seriously, is that even POSSIBLE for a Capricorn? ย ๐Ÿ˜€


Writing space!
Writing space!


My wall!



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