Poem- Abundance Spell


Abundance Spell

Abundance and wealth, I call to me
Financial improvement for to see.

An it harm none, that’s the trick
As I light this candle’s wick.

As it burns down, money arrives
To help the quality of our lives.

Powers of cinnamon, nutmeg, and stone
Help me now to set the tone.

As long as it’s for the greater good
Spend it wisely, I surely would.


This was kind of fun to do.  I enjoyed writing this spell, though I usually don’t use any kind of written spell in any of my spellwork.  Mine tend to be a bit more intuitive and improvised.  However, I may write this down somewhere to keep it safe just the same.

With this spell, you would obviously need a green candle to light at the proper spot, and I would surround it with cinnamon, nutmeg, and a good money draw stone like aventurine or pyrite.  After the candle burned down, I would gather the stones, herbs, and a bit of the wax to include in a mojo bag, and carry it with me.  Just make sure you have an odd number of ingredients in your bag, and it would help to annoint it with a money draw oil of your choice.  You could even draw the rune Feoh/Fehu on a piece of parchment, fold it up, and add it in.

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