Stones and Oils for Joy and Happiness

Happiness has been a little difficult to come by these days.  There’s so much violence in the world, whether it’s something as far-away and nebulous as foreign wars we don’t quite understand, or closer to home.  The events of Charlotteville, Va highlighted a depth and intensity of hate that a lot of us were barely even aware of before last weekend.  I have a friend who was personally touched by violent, senseless tragedy recently of the most horrific degree recently.  I’ll be the first to admit that the world as it stands today makes me feel hopeless, ineffectual, and deeply, deeply depressed.

If you’re astrologically minded, you can add to that the really rough energy of the lunar eclipse of August 8th, with its theme of shadow work and cutting away, as well as the Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto retrogrades, I don’t know anyone who’s having an OK time right now.  When added to the same old financial problems, a dog that seems to be winding down, and frustrations with the state of my house/work/life, I just haven’t been able to find my joy.

But I’m nothing if not stubborn.  I’ll be traveling to SC to reach the path of totality for prime eclipse viewing, and there will be a small ritual.  Nothing fancy, just burning a list of what we want to reduce/eliminate in our lives, and writing a list of what we want to bring in, which we’ll carry/add to our altars/whatever.  The main thing I want to bring in is joy.  It’s time to bring in that positivity again.

In true Amie fashion, I’ll be making an oil to share with my friends, and carrying some stones with me to bring in joy.  I’ll make a video with the joy oil, and show the stones I’ll end up using, but I wanted to show some of the stones I already have, as well as share the lists I’ll be choosing from.  Do I think that crystals and essentials will solve the world’s problems?  Obviously not.  But a little self-care while we try find ways to fight the good fight is a good thing.  EnJOY!  🙂

Oils for Joy
(Most info comes from The Magick of Aromatherapy by Gwydion O’Hara)

Bergamot:  Happiness, peace, energy, anti-depressant

Carnation:  Positive outlook, energy

Elderberry:  Anti-depressant, joy, happiness, feeling of well-being

Grapefruit:  Uplifting, relieves stress and depression

Jasmine:  Relieves oversensitivity, anti-depressant

Lavender:  Reduces sadness, calming, dispels anxiety, peace and comfort

Lily of the Valley:  Eases anxiety, brings peace and harmony

Lime:  Reduces tension, stimulant

Orange:  Joy and happiness, energy, creates a harmonious and positive atmosphere

Patchouli:  Releases anxiety and depression, sedative

Sandalwood:  Eases anxiety and depression

Vanilla:  Relieves melancholy, comforts

Ylang ylang:  Calming, brings peace, hypotensor, anti-depressant, relieves anger

From top left: lithium quartz, citrine, pink calcite, rose quartz, orange calcite, sunstone
From top left: lithium quartz, citrine, pink calcite, rose quartz, orange calcite, sunstone

Stones for Joy
(Most info comes from The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall)

Carnelian:  Invigorating, energizing, banishes negativity and replaces with love for life

Citrine:  Warming, energizing, grounds negativity, happiness, imparts joy, enhances self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-expression, helps increase optimism and positive attitude, enjoying new experiences, overcoming depression

Golden Topaz:  Joy, generosity, abundance, good health, positive affirmations, removes negativity, spreads sunshine, problem solving, stabilizes emotions

Green Tourmaline:  Rejuvenates, inspires, transmutes negativity to positivity, brings joie de vivre, aids sleep, quiets the mind

Lithium Quartz:  Soothes stress/depression/anxiety, uplifts mentally and emotionally

Orange Calcite:  Energizing, balances emotions, overcomes fear and depression, dissolves problems

Orange Jade:  Harmony and friendship, releases negativity and soothes the mind, energetic and gently stimulating, brings joy.

Peacock Ore:  Stone of happiness, helps you find joy and channel it to others, helps you see the positive in every situation

Pink (Mangano) Calcite:  Forgiveness, releases fear and grief, heals tension and anxiety, prevents nightmares

Rose Quartz:  Gentle love, self-love, soothing, calming, brings peace and harmony

Sunstone:  Joie de vivre, joyful, light, good-natured, restores life’s sweetness, luck and good fortune, anti-depressant, effective against Seasonal Affective Disorder, brings optimism and enthusiasm

Yellow Jade:  Harmony and friendship, releases negativity and soothes the mind, stimulates, brings joy and happiness


I hope this list helps!  In a pinch, tincture of St. John’s Wort is also a great solution for a natural anti depressant.  Time in nature can help assist in emotional recovery as well, but please, if you need real help, see a therapist.  There’s no shame in taking pills that recalibrate your brain chemistry back to normal.  Real, lasting depression is a disease and should be treated medically.

Treat yourself well, and blessed be!  <3