Ostara has always been an important holiday. I wrote in THIS POST last week a little about why, but the gist is that it’s kind of my Pagan birthday. As such, it’s probably the holiday that I feel most connected to, and the one that enlivens my spirit. I’m not a huge fan of warm…
Tag: Altars Series
Pagan Blog Project Week 39- Trixie (Willowisp characters)
Trixie. Oh how I love Trixie. In many ways, Trixie has been kind of an ideal for me, someone I would have enjoyed finding for Bear and I. Now, I’m less interested in submissive partners, but still… Why does this fit in with the Pagan Blog Project? Well, because Willowisp is a Pagan town, plunked…
Pagan Blog Project Week 27- NaNoWriMo
Specifically, Camp NaNoWriMo. This is the reason that I’m getting some words on the page right now. In fact, NaNo is the MAIN reason I’ve managed to write anything at all. There’s something seductive in a deadline. Something inspiring about seeing your stats everyday. Something about the good-natured competition that makes me actually accomplish my…