Tag: divination
Bewitching the Cards- 4 of Wands
Bewitching the Cards- 3 of Wands
Bewitching the Cards- Ace of Wands
Bewitching the Cards- Introduction to the Minor Arcana
Bewitching the Cards 21- The World
Oops! I accidentally published this one early. Still, I’m going to leave it and start working on videos for the Minor Arcana tomorrow. Blessed be! 🙂
Bewitching the Cards 20- Judgment
Bewitching the Cards 19- The Sun
Bewitching the Cards 18- The Moon
‘Fall for Yourself’ card challenge, first 10 days
So I found this challenge on the Tarot Amino, and it seems like a lot of fun. I’m not going to post every day, however, as that seems like overkill. So I’ll share my cards after each 10 days. That will make 3 posts, which seems reasonable. 🙂 October 1: Werewolf. What defines my…
Bewitching the Cards 17- The Star
I should really do something about my nails…
Bewitching the Cards 16- The Tower
Bewitching the Cards 15- The Devil
Autumn Tide Tarot Reading
I try to give myself a reading at every solstice and equinox, but sometimes I forget. Now that I’m really immersing myself in tarot, it’s a little easier to remember. This reading is for the Autumn tide, or the time between Mabon and Yule. I did a reading in 3 parts, with 4 cards each….
Bewitching the Cards 14- Temperance
Bewitching the Cards 13- Death
Bewitching the Cards 12- The Hanged Man
Bewitching the Cards 11- Justice
I’m baaacckkk!! I’m sorry for the long hiatus, but I intend to start releasing these on Wednesdays and Fridays again. Blessed be!
Tarot- July 17th, 2016
Sorry, this one’s late again. Ghostbusters happened. Then Pokemon. Also lots of weird, random errands all over town. I’ve actually been doing quite a lot lately, and it’s been a lot of fun. We’ve been enjoying ourselves, and it’s been a great break from all the stress and anxiety of the last few months. I’ve…
Bewitching the Cards 10- The Wheel
Bewitching The Cards 9- The Hermit
Tarot- July 3rd, 2016
I hope everyone is having a fun and safe July 4th weekend. I have trouble connecting to the Summer holidays, both Pagan and mundane, mostly just because of the heat. Fibro makes me really sensitive to extremes in temperature, and I usually just hide inside for as much of the summer as possible. Add to…
Bewitching The Cards 8- Strength
Tarot, June 26th 2016
Sorry for the absence last week. My stepfather passed, and we left from his funeral to drive to Maryland and see Husbear’s family. It’s been a little brutal to say the least. This week, I’m still using The Wildwood Tarot, and I’ll probably be using it for a while. I just really love it, and…
Bewitching The Cards 3- The Empress
Bewitching The Cards 2- The High Priestess
Tarot- June 5th, 2016
Ugh. Sorry this is 2 days late again. On Sunday, I kind of just forgot to post, despite thinking about it all night Saturday when I couldn’t sleep. We spent time with a friend and then came home for illicit activities (don’t try this at home, kids!) And then Monday was just packed full of crazy…
Bewitching the Cards 1- The Magician
Tarot- May 15th, 2016
Sorry this one is late. I had a most excellent date night with husbear last night, and it kind of slipped my mind in all the fun we were having. However, it’s still early in the week, so I think we’re good! I’m using the Wildwood Tarot again because I really do want to learn…
Oracle- April 17th, 2016
Today I realized I’m a bit bored with using the same tarot decks over and over. I love my same tarot decks for reading for myself, but for this weekly post, I wanted to do something a bit different. So I decided to use one of my favorite oracle decks instead. Seriously, if you haven’t…
Tarot- April 10th, 2016
Today I’m using my old standby, the Sacred Circle Tarot by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason. In the past position, we have the 5 of Cups. This card is showing us that we have suffered loss, grief, and sorrow. It can also represent regret, but while there are 3 upright cups, we are more focused…