Isn’t Samhain just the best time of year? The magick is palpable now, and everyone is at their witchy best. It’s also my busy time of year with various tarot and Pagan events and activities, so I usually try to find something easy to make, but something that evokes the feelings of the season. What’s…
Tag: Feast
Autumn, a season of loss and life
I’m usually a pretty good cook, better than average I’d say. There are a few things that I really don’t excel at, however, frying being one of those. Tonight I was testing out a recipe for The Vegan Pagan Kitchen, and it really turned out badly. I tried to make fried okra, and I used…
Happy Mabon! (a quickie)
I really love all the sabbats for various reasons. Imbolc is kind of my ‘going within’ time, where I spend time huddled up next to a fire, reading or knitting or something similar. Samhain is fabulous, and you can’t be Pagan and dislike Samhain. It’s just not possible. Even Litha, though I don’t like Summer,…