Thank you so much for joining me during my month of blog posts. I had a lot of fun writing them, and I hope a couple people enjoyed reading them. It was a fun project for the month of November. And for the rest of the year, I’m going to chill. I’ve already started wrapping…
Tag: holidays
Magickal Month- December 2019
It’s December, and we have a lot of new birds coming to our feeder. House wrens and chickadees will be wintering here, it seems, and so we’re making sure they have lots of fatty seeds to see them through the cold months. Husbear found a dove wing in our shed, however, where it had been…
Magickal Month- December
December is a month of extremes. There’s the cold and chill outside, and the warmth and comfort of our homes, our families, and our friends. There’s the stress and frustration of holiday shopping, finances, parties, etc., and there are the sweet, happy moments of seasonal joy. It can be incredibly difficult for a lot of…
Magickal Month- November
November was originally the 9th month in the old Roman calendar, but became the 11th month in the updated Julian and Gregorian calendars when January and February were added to the beginning of the year. Here in the Southeastern US, it’s finally getting chilly. We may have a few sunny, warm days here and there,…
Magickal Month- September
September is such an exciting month for those of us who love Autumn. While the season doesn’t actually start until the Equinox on the 22nd (at 9:54pm here in the EDT zone), September still feels like that gateway month. We’ve suffered through the heat of June, July, and August, and we can feel the nights…
Magickal Month- June
June is the sixth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calenders. It was named after Juno, the Roman mother goddess, wife of Jupiter, analogous to Greek Hera. While Summer doesn’t officially start until June 21st on the Summer solstice, the weather is already fully hot and humid. Here, we’ve had rain for…
Magickal Month- February
The name February came from the Latin Februum, meaning purification. The festival named Februa was the festival of purification that was celebrated on February 15th. Purification is an interesting theme for this month, as we’ve been stuck inside all winter. The air is stale, our moods are stale, and it’s time to get some fresh…
Magickal Month- November
So this is a thing I want to start doing from now on. For each month, I’m going to talk a little about the tides of the month, the lunar and astrological dates, stones and herbs I’m especially drawn to, and do a 3 card reading for the month. At the bottom, I’ll talk about…
Where I’m going and where I’ve been. (Holiday debriefing)
The holidays were strange this year. That’s relatively typical. It seems there’s always something going on during the holidays that keep me from being able to relax into them. The past 2 years, I worked retail, and I was stressed, overworked, undersleeping, and in a lot of pain. This year seemed to be a little…