This is a concept that’s very near and dear to my heart. Errr… my mind. I’ve always loved the concept that you can have sacred space in your mind that you can do spellwork or ritual from. There’s no reason you can’t build an altar that you use for all of your magickal needs. And…
Tag: meditation
Finding Your Animal Spirit Guide
The first time I meditated on my animal spirit guide, I was disappointed. I had been practicing my meditation and spent the evening getting ready for this monumental undertaking. I took a ritual shower, lit candles, burned incense, set up my space to be as spiritual as possible, and allowed myself to slip into trance….
New Guided Meditations!
I finally did it! I recorded, edited, and published some guided meditations I’ve been working on. Check them out on Bandcamp!
Deck Interview- Osho Zen Tarot
I’m going to be honest here and let you in on a secret. I bought this deck never really thinking I was going to use it that much. I bought it so that I could take pictures for a panel I did on the history of art in tarot, and I thought it was important…
Creating a regular spiritual practice
I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this here, but New Year and New Year’s Eve are my favorite holidays. I love hitting the reset button and creating myself anew every January. It’s a chance to step back, see what worked, scrap what didn’t, and try to make some improvements. Naturally, me being me, I’ve…
New goodies in my Etsy shop- Litha Fae Meditation and Transformation Tarot Reading!
Hi all! I just wanted to make a quick update about two new listings in my Etsy shop. First is a guided meditation that I recorded to help you connect with the fae and other nature spirits, as well as the general spirit of nature. It’s perfect for Litha/Midsummer. You can find it HERE! Second…
Pagan Blog Project Week 36- Regrouping and Redirecting my energy
I have a small problem with losing focus now and again. I get excited about new projects, and forget everything that I was already working on. I need something new and shiny to pique my interest, or I need to find a way to refresh my enthusiasm for projects already in progress. Dragon*Con is great…
Pagan Blog Project Week 26- Mantra (and Mammaries)
My Goddess wants me to be happy. *crosses legs, straightens spine, begins breathing deeply and mindfully* My Goddess wants me to be happy. My Goddess wants me to be happy. *begins tensing and releasing muscle groups, starting at head and moving downward* My Goddess wants me to be happy. My Goddess wants me to be…
Spirit Branch pt 2
So we dug through my ribbons, yarns, and beads, created something that was meaningful to each of us, and said a few words as we tied our first offerings on. Then I lit a candle and some kyphi to enhance the atmosphere for some meditating I want to do later. The spirit branch is sparse,…
Today Bear and I are here at our local Korean sauna, doing the annual ‘I don’t celebrate my birthday anymore, but I still want to go to the sauna’ trip. I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks. There are so many good things about this place. Right now I’m sitting in the red clay…
Ways to be nicer to myself
Lately I’ve been feeling some pain. I’m not sure exactly what it is, and I don’t have insurance so finding out will be tough. I need to get to one of the community clinics here near home, but there are so many hoops to jump through, that the idea just stresses me out. And I…