Bewitching the Cards- 7 of Wands

Sorry I’m so late posting this.  Lots of Thanksgiving shopping and food prep happened today.  🙂 Also, my new music is by my talented husbear.  <3  

Let Govember!

So I was talking to a friend, and we were discussing how we both have a lot of negative energy in our lives.  We talked about how we could both do with a good housecleaning, physically, emotionally, mentally, etc.  I usually don’t have trouble eliminating negativity from my life in small ways, but sometimes you…

Bewitching the Cards 21- The World

Oops!  I accidentally published this one early.  Still, I’m going to leave it and start working on videos for the Minor Arcana tomorrow.  Blessed be!  🙂

Autumn Scents- Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs

So anyone who knows me knows that I’m obsessed with scents.  From incenses to bath products, to candles, I just like it when stuff smells great.  And the scents I like change with the seasons.  Obviously, Autumn is a great time for anything pumpkin related, but I don’t want to smell that at all in…

‘Fall for Yourself’ card challenge, first 10 days

So I found this challenge on the Tarot Amino, and it seems like a lot of fun.  I’m not going to post every day, however, as that seems like overkill.  So I’ll share my cards after each 10 days.  That will make 3 posts, which seems reasonable.  🙂   October 1: Werewolf.  What defines my…

Autumn Tide Tarot Reading

I try to give myself a reading at every solstice and equinox, but sometimes I forget.  Now that I’m really immersing myself in tarot, it’s a little easier to remember.  This reading is for the Autumn tide, or the time between Mabon and Yule. I did a reading in 3 parts, with 4 cards each….

Autumn, a season of loss and life

I’m usually a pretty good cook, better than average I’d say.  There are a few things that I really don’t excel at, however, frying being one of those. Tonight I was testing out a recipe for The Vegan Pagan Kitchen, and it really turned out badly.  I tried to make fried okra, and I used…

Bewitching the Cards 11- Justice

I’m baaacckkk!!  I’m sorry for the long hiatus, but I intend to start releasing these on Wednesdays and Fridays again. Blessed be!

Tarot- July 17th, 2016

Sorry, this one’s late again.  Ghostbusters happened.  Then Pokemon.  Also lots of weird, random errands all over town.  I’ve actually been doing quite a lot lately, and it’s been a lot of fun.  We’ve been enjoying ourselves, and it’s been a great break from all the stress and anxiety of the last few months. I’ve…

Tarot- July 10th, 2016 (Also connection and disconnection)

Sorry this one is a little late in the day.  We just got back from a movie, and I’ll talk a little more about that later.  Today I’m using (as always) The Wildwood Tarot. In the past position, we have the Page of Arrows (Swords).  So we’ve studied and researched, and we’ve laid good foundations…