So if you saw my deck interview post for the Paradoxical Purple Trionfi della Luna deck a few weeks ago, you probably saw that these cards really wanted to talk about the past. So I did a few test runs of a past life reading, and they resonated for the test subjects! (Myself included. These…
Tag: reading
Road opener tarot reading for solving problems/removing obstacles!
Find it on my Etsy shop here!
Magickal Month- January
January was named after the Roman god Janus, who was known as the god of doorways, endings, and the new beginnings that follow. He had 2 heads, one looking to the past year, and one looking to the upcoming year, and so he’s perfect for this first year of the month when we’re looking forward…
September is always a month of regrouping. DragonCon tends to be a pivot in my year, the weekend that divides the buildup from the come down. This year was no exception, especially with the added excitement and work of doing the Tarot 101 presentation. When you combine that stress with the stress of Irma (and…
Autumntide Priorities
The days are getting shorter, there’s a nice breeze in the night air, and DragonCon marks the beginning of the end of Summer. We have Mabon and Samhain to look forward to, which are my two favorite sabbats! While Autumn is usually seen as a time of going within, taking stock, and relaxing into Winter,…
Client Reading for Tulip- August 14, 2017- Eclipse spread
I’ll be offering 3 more of these readings before the solar eclipse on August 21st. So you have a week to get yours here!
Poem- Haiku #5 (Expansion and Contraction)
Expand and contract My energy is failing Tried to do too much My fibro body Is filled with muscles aching Simply exhausted ******************************************** These poems sum up perfectly how I’ve been feeling today. For the past week or so, I’ve been feeling pretty good. I’ve been feeling expansive. I’ve been joining groups, making friends, and…