Tag: wicca
Vegan Beltane menu
We celebrated Beltane a little late this year. I needed a combination of time and money to come together, and that didn’t come together until Tuesday the 3rd. As that also happens to be Billy Ocean day, we were doubly festive. We’ve been eating mostly vegan, all vegetarian for a while now. I love eating…
Tarot- May 1st, 2016 (actually pulled on May 4th)
Sorry about the lateness of this one. Beltane happened. And a Beltane feast. And staying at my mom’s house. And honestly, I also forgot. So, to celebrate my complete lack of attention this week, I decided to use a completely different deck. This is The Motherpeace Tarot by Karen Vogle and Vicki Noble. I was…
Poem- The Faire Folk
The Faire Folk Meandering through the wildwood green A vision of wonder, there to be seen The faire folk, frolicking round Their laugher and music, a merry sound They dance and they leap, a joy to behold But be ye wary, do not let them take hold Of your mind and body, and make you…
Poem- Ring of Protection Spell
Ring of Protection Spell A ring of protection, I cast around. All ill will is hereby bound. Keep away from me, negativity goodbye. I no longer accept drama or lies In my inner circle, my sacred space. Rosemary and holly, salt to taste. Tourmaline and hematite, protective stones. My boundary is set, by my blood…
Throat chakra stones
So, a few months ago, I decided to do some work on healing my heart chakra from grief. It went pretty well, though the real test will come the next time ‘something bad’ happens. It remains to be seen whether I handle it gracefully or fall apart. Now that I’ve done that work, as I…
Poem- Vishuddha
Vishuddha The throat, center of speech Where will is expressed and shared Communication divine, sacred voice Thought becomes sound, words of magick Creativity given wing, music and writing Weaving a web, creating connection ************** This one isn’t great. It’s been a very long day. :0)
Poem- Beltane
Beltane Beltane approaches us, boys and girls. Time to frolic, and whirl, and twirl, Around the Maypole, so strong and so tall, Symbol of the God, who fertilizes all The crops in the fields, our harvest to come, For sacrifice in fall, to feed everyone. But now we celebrate his union divine With the Goddess,…
Poem- Spell for a New Lover
Spell for a New Lover My heart is pure, my intentions good I love myself first, as I should. I’m ready to accept love into my life I prick my finger with this knife. My blood on this candle for to spread I wish for someone to share my bed. To be a partner, a…
Poem- Abundance Spell
Abundance Spell Abundance and wealth, I call to me Financial improvement for to see. An it harm none, that’s the trick As I light this candle’s wick. As it burns down, money arrives To help the quality of our lives. Powers of cinnamon, nutmeg, and stone Help me now to set the tone. As long…
Poem- Elemental Prayer
Elemental Prayer I praise thee Water, And ask for the powers of Love and compassion, The emotions that bring my life richness. I praise thee Fire, And ask for the powers of Passion and motivation, The will to see my plans through. I praise thee Air, And ask for the powers of Intellect and communication,…
Poem- A Daily Prayer
A Daily Prayer I give thanks to the Maiden for this day For all the opportunities and new beginnings For the unbearable beauty of the world For energy and enthusiasm to enjoy it I give thanks to the Mother for this day For all my loved ones and those that love me For the joy…
Poem- Lakshmi
Lakshmi Mother of abundance, bestower of treasure Lady of the lotus and gold coins Bring us your blessing, for our life’s pleasure And in reverence we will toil for our gains Bestower of strength and spiritual truth You show us the way with four-fold goals Consort of Vishnu, his devotees you soothe And reward them…
Poem- Inanna
Inanna Keeper of the flames of passion Lady of heaven, Goddess of love Also warlike, protector of the people Bringer of storms that nourish or destroy She dances above the harvest wheat Bounty falling upon farmers below Supplicants come to her temples To be healed through divine ecstasy First star of the night sky and…
Poem- Gods of Caledonia
Gods of Caledonia Taking refuge in remnants Wild and free Brought by glaciers in the age of ice Enlivened by sorcerers in the age of magick They stand sentinel, witnesses To tales of enchantment and history Ruined by agriculture, human engineering And the greed of shepherd stock Still, there are stories to be told In…
Poem- Crackle
Crackle Flames licking the legs of dancers brave Passion embodied in a devouring rage Colors of orange, red, and blue Courage in action, motivation true Power of destruction to bring forth new life Heat of physical love, or also of strife A powerful cleanser, to start anew Banish the negative, light the witches brew
Poem- Sarasvati
Essence of self knowledge Lovely pale, mother of rivers Source of musical inspiration Eloquence as a path to bliss Sweet words fall from her lips Sweet notes float from Her nimble fingers upon her lute Knowledge that purifies is her gift Meditation, reflection, and spirituality Brings us to the joy of creativity In her name,…
Poem- Song of the Soil
Song of the Soil Life stirring, rising through layers Domain of worms and moles Mushrooms spreading over acres Scent of herbs and soil Forest and desert, mountain and field Colors green, brown, and grey Life is the power that nature wields Until the embrace of our earthy grave She sustains us and she feeds us…
Tarot- April 3rd, 2016
I’m using the Sacred Circle Tarot by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason again. Last week’s reading wasn’t so great, so I wanted to go with my old standby, the deck I’m most comfortable with. This week’s reading is somewhat problematic as well, so I think there are just some things we need to be paying…
Poem- Hedge
Hedge Motley creatures, captive creeping Totem spirits on display Bright birds caged, flitting chirping Augury in flight, come what may Forest beasts, tracking sneaking Cavorting with the fae Ocean life, teeming brimming Primordial mother at play Mineral kingdom, waiting healing Veins of the earth, ancient ley Herbal helpers, growing thriving Healing the witch every…
Oracle- March 13th, 2016
So I’ve cycled through the majority of my tarot decks, excluding my Halloween Tarot by Karin Lee and Kipling West, which I’ll be using closer to that time, and my Motherpeace Tarot by Karen Vogel and Vicki Noble, which I always seem to forget I have. I took a moment to decide whether to use a…
Heart chakra blues
I mentioned in my weekly tarot pull last week that grief is something I have a lot of recent experience with. Losing Valentine took me back into that dark place where I felt like death and loss were all I had to look forward to, and though it didn’t last for more than a few…
Tarot- March 6th, 2016
I’m going to be honest here. I’ve never really connected with the deck I used today. (The Witches Tarot by Ellen Cannon Reed) There are things I like about it, but overall, I’ve just never gotten a good reading from these cards. I originally bought them for 2 reasons. First, there are…
Tarot- February 29th, 2016
I’m sorry this post is a day late, but yesterday was a rat day. We had to jump through some hoops to treat our Stanley for lice (generally, rats don’t appreciate bath time), and we had to bury our beloved Valentine, who passed on the 24th. I spent 3 days nursing him- hoping, despairing, hoping…
Tarot- February 21st, 2016
This is yet another reading that really speaks to me personally, though I asked what the week held for anyone who reads this. As it’s mostly my husbear and I reading these posts so far, I suppose that makes sense. :0) This is my favorite deck, and the one I use for my…
Tarot- January 31st, 2015
This week’s draw is from my very first deck, the Sacred Rose Tarot. My father bought it for me when I was 12 at the Sphynx bookstore in Atlanta. (Does anyone else remember the Sphynx?) He kept asking me if I was SURE that I wanted these for my birthday, and I kept insisting that…
Stones for self-care
I’ve blogged a few times about how winter, and January in particular, are really tough for me. The loop of cold -> fibro pain -> depression -> fibro pain -> depression -> fibro pain -> depression compounds itself into an overall shitty time for me. I’ve spent a lot more days in bed this month…
Faith, for me, is a thing that’s just always been there. From my first Pagan stirrings as a kid to my deepest, most fervent period of study and worship, it’s just been there. Sometimes I count myself an Ostara/Yule Pagan, only really giving the minimum of effort, maybe a nod to the sabbats as they…
Mabon, balance, and bipolar
Mabon is normally one of my favorite sabbats. It signifies a turning toward the dark half of the year, which I love. The weather is slightly cooler, and it’s thrilling to think of the beautiful Autumn and Winter to come. I start thinking about apples and grapes and all the soups and chili I’ll…
Beltane 2015
The only tradition I have on Beltane is the tradition of all my plans falling apart. I rarely ever celebrate the way I plan, and I rarely, if ever, get to have sex on Beltane. This year, as per usual, my plans all fell apart. Except for the sex. I’ll leave off of the details,…
Connection is a word that means a lot to me lately. It’s something I’m looking for. I want to connect to my husband more. I want to connect to the power of abundance in the universe. I want to connect to my chosen family and close friends. We’re starting to see someone new, and I…