New past life tarot reading

So if you saw my deck interview post for the Paradoxical Purple Trionfi della Luna deck a few weeks ago, you probably saw that these cards really wanted to talk about the past.  So I did a few test runs of a past life reading, and they resonated for the test subjects!  (Myself included.  These…

Magickal Month- March

The name March comes from the old Roman Martius, as March was originally dedicated to Mars, the Roman god of war and agriculture. As March brought better weather, people started to plan for things like battle and farming- hence Mars. It was originally the first month of the old Roman calendar, and several other cultures…

Magickal Month- February

The name February came from the Latin Februum, meaning purification. The festival named Februa was the festival of purification that was celebrated on February 15th. Purification is an interesting theme for this month, as we’ve been stuck inside all winter. The air is stale, our moods are stale, and it’s time to get some fresh…

Magickal Month- January

January was named after the Roman god Janus, who was known as the god of doorways, endings, and the new beginnings that follow. He had 2 heads, one looking to the past year, and one looking to the upcoming year, and so he’s perfect for this first year of the month when we’re looking forward…

My Tarot Decks for Winter

‘Tis the season for long nights, warm drinks, and going within. What could be more perfect for that then lovingly caressing the perfect tarot deck for this introspective time of year? As I mentioned in my post My Tarot Decks for Autumn, I’ve been using a different deck for each month. Celebrating the passage of…

New Year Ahead Tarot Reading!

This reading shows 12 cards, one for each month of the coming year.  The cards will show the pervasive energies for that month, including exciting events, pitfalls to avoid, or even just the theme for the month. This one is really great for people who like to plan their year ahead in late December or…

New Wintertide Tarot Reading- What can I learn by going within?

We’re about a week out from Yule, and you know what that means!  The Autumntide Tarot Reading is gone, long live the Wintertide Tarot Reading.  Or at least until March. This reading will help you tap into the energies of Winter- going within, self-awareness, and planning for your next year! What do you really need…

Magickal Month- December

The name of December came about from the Latin ‘decem’, meaning 10. It was originally the 10th month of the year in the old Latin calendar, but was made the 12th month when January and February were added. We’ve been confused ever since. December is a tricky month. For those who love the holidays, it’s…

Season of The Witch Movies- The Witches review

The Witches (on Amazon Prime) I watched this movie way back when, as a kid, and I didn’t really remember much about it.  It starts out in Norway with a healthy dose of regional flavor and witch folklore, then moves to England where there’s a seaside witch convention.  (YES PLEASE!!) So these witches have a…

Season of The Witch Movies- Teen Witch review

Teen Witch (on Hulu) Gods, I hate this fucking movie.  If I’m being honest, I’m punishing myself with it.  I should be doing a tarot reading, a Bewitching the Moon video, and writing a piece that’s due at the end of the month.  But I really wanted to watch a movie.  So I’m going to…

New reading! Integrating Light and Shadow

As we’re moving into the darker half of the year, I’ve been drawn to do some shadow work.  I love the idea of helping others do their own as well!  This reading shows us our light side (what we show to the world), and our shadow side (what we try to keep hidden), and how…

Season of The Witch Movies- The VVitch review

The VVitch (free on Amazon Prime) So I have to be honest.  I saw this in the theater, and I fucking love this movie.  It’s horror, but of a really different sub genre.  It’s kind of survival horror, where the main concern through the movie is just basic survival- as in “Hey kids, the harvest…

Season of The Witch Movies- The Naked Witch review

The Naked Witch (on Amazon Prime) Wow.  This one’s fun.  Produced in 1961 by Claude Alexander, who also produced The Naked Dracula, The Naked Mummy, Hey look! I’m naked right now!, and What Are You Wearing?  It begins with woogie organ music played behind a foreshadowing monologue about how ‘the student’ never thought something like…

Season of The Witch Movies- Burn, Witch, Burn! review

Burn, Witch, Burn! (on Amazon Prime) Ohhhhh, it starts out soooo good.  There’s a protective incantation where the narrator calls upon Marduk, Hecate, Satan, Beelzebub, etc. for protection.  The epitome of 50s/60s horror drama kitsch.  I’m SO in! We start our story with a college professor and his wife.  Are they British?  Fancy 50s Americans? …

Season of The Witch Movies- Season of the Witch (2014) review

Season of the Witch (on Amazon Prime) If I wasn’t inspired by the 2 star rating, the opening scenes with the dying fish out of water would have gotten me.  Ugh. The production value on this one is somewhat lacking (at several points the music gets so loud you can’t hear the dialogue), but I’m…

Now offering tarot subscriptions! 3 months, 3 card readings.

3 months of 3 card readings at a discount from my individual readings!  I will send your reading on the first of every month, starting with the month you choose.  I’ll also touch lightly on some of the major astrological happenings for the upcoming month. Blessed be!  🙂

Season of the Witch Movies- The Mini Witch review

The Mini Witch on Amazon Prime Ok, this one was goddamned adorable.  It’s a Dutch movie with English dubbed in, but that just adds flavor. In this movie, we follow the adventures of Fuchsia, the mini witch, who hatches from a glowing egg, meets her father, goes to witch school (where they make things like…

Season of The Witch Movies- The Witching review

The Witching (on Amazon Prime) This movie starts with 4 paranormal podcasters camping in the middle of Woodland Valley Forest (home of the Woodland Valley Witch), where they’re uploading videos, tweeting, etc.  So apparently, these super-haunted, deep, dark woods are next to a Walmart or something with WiFi.  Scaaarrryyyy… They start telling stories by the…

My tarot decks for Autumn

I love seasonal things.  I love watching the passing of time, and Autumn is such a beautiful time to celebrate the changing of the seasons and how that affects us.  I’m also a little obsessed with having the right things to use for the right occasions.  Hence, my project to have a different tarot deck…

Season of The Witch Movies- War on Witches review

War on Witches (on Amazon Prime) This is basically a documentary on the witch hunts in Europe, specifically Britain. King James 1 can suck it.  I can’t help but see parallels between King James 1’s Britain and the paranoia and intolerance of Trump’s America.  A crazy person with conviction can seem charismatic to a populace…

Season of the Witch Movies- Mark of the Witch review

Because I love a good project, I’ve decided to write short reviews of every movie I can find on Amazon, Hulu, or Netflix with the word WITCH in the title between now and Samhain.  I guess it’s a way for me to make my relaxation time productive?  Or just a good excuse to watch ALL…