Mystery and magick, she guards the gate. She knows all the secrets, she understands fate. Pomegranates and palms, the underworld she treads. She plumbs the depths, places others dread. Intuition will guide you, if you open your mind. Draw the sacred feminine, a tribe of your own kind. To walk the spiral, as without, so…
Tag: wicca
NaPoWriMo- 1
Manifesting into reality from an idea, a dream He points the way, he stages the scene. As above so below, he bridges the gap, A brand new direction, creativity on tap. What do you want in your life at this time? He is a good omen, a positive sign. That you can build that which…
Bewitching the Cards- 4 of Pentacles
Bewitching the Cards- 3 of Pentacles
Video Response- Arwen’s #TarotTag15
Bewitching the Cards- 2 of Pentacles
Bewitching the Cards- Ace of Pentacles
Bewitching the Cards- Queen of Swords
Bewitching the Moon March 12, 2017- Cleaning, purification, Florida water spray, pre-Ostara smoothie fast
Florida Water Recipe 1/2 pint Everclear or other grain alcohol 1/2 pint Rose Water 1/2 oz Lemon Extract 24 drops Lavender Essential Oil 4 drops Lemongrass Essential Oil 6 drops Bergamot Essential Oil 8 drops Ylang Ylang Essential Oil 7 Cloves 1 piece Hematite 1 piece Quartz
Bewitching the Cards- Knight of Swords
Bewitching the Cards- Page of Swords
Deck Interview- Messenger Oracle
I’ve never done a deck interview with an oracle deck, but it seems like it should work just fine, right? Let’s give it a shot! My mother brought me this deck after I watched her house while she was traveling. I’ve had it for a few months, but haven’t really had a chance to play…
Bewitching the Cards- 10 of Swords
Bewitching the Cards- 9 of Swords
Bewitching the Moon February 26- Cleansing, clearing, and excavating a 13 year old altar
Saltier than normal salty language warning! :0)
Bewitching the Cards- 8 of Swords
Bewitching the Cards- 7 of Swords
Bewitching the Cards- 6 of Swords
Sorry for the lateness!
Bewitching the Cards- 5 of Swords
Bewitching the Cards- 4 of Swords
Bewitching the Cards- 3 of Swords