Road opener magick is a concept that comes from conjure traditions, though it has analogs in several other traditions as well. In fact, roads themselves have often been seen as sacred, and there are several deities that are dedicated to roads and pathways. (Elen of the Ways, Hekate, Ganesh, etc.) Roads are not only our…
Tag: witchcraft
Dollar Store Magick
I know I’ve seen this concept explored in various blog posts, TikToks and YouTube videos, but I wanted to do it for myself, just to see what I could find. So a friend and I loaded up and set out to see what kind of wonderful witchy wares we could find at the Dollar Tree….
Honey Jar Spellwork
Honey is sacred. It just is. Think about it… The sun shines down and the rains fall, the soil nurtures, and flowers result. So bees collect the pollen from the flowers, and create honey. Honey is just distilled sunlight. And you can see it in the color. A golden, viscous liquid that has an intense…
Full Moon Journal Prompts
I’ve been using these quite a lot since I brainstormed them a few moons ago. I used to just free-journal on the full moons, but I felt like I wanted something a little more attuned to the astrology of the sign that the moon was in. If you use them, let me know what you…
Cleansing Magick
This is perhaps the most important magick that any witch can learn. When you’re able to cleanse your space and your life, you’re able to assert control over the energies that have access to you. Perhaps that’s why cleansing is one of the first things that we’re taught as baby witches. Keeping the energies that…
Witchifying Your Work
I have to take a moment to be honest right now. I’m lucky in this regard because I work from home. In fact, I’m writing this in between work tasks. Don’t tell my managers! But I’m sitting here at my desk, with a Pumpkin Bonfire candle going, surrounded by charm bags, stones and crystals, incense,…
Gratitude and Your Spiritual Path
“Thank you” is one of the most powerful spells we can utter. It not only sets up a resonance of simple gratitude, but also the recognition that we are all intertwined, and we can only get by by receiving help. This can be help from other people, help from institutions, help from deity, help from…
How to Work with a Deity
Deity work is not for everyone. A lot of people chafe at words like ‘worship’ and ‘devotion’, and for good reason. There’s a lot of baggage that comes along with those words for those who were brought up in religious households. But the truth is that deity work can add a richness and a depth…
Topics to Study that will Enhance your Witchcraft
There comes a time in every witch’s practice where they realize that they’ve read all the ‘Witchcraft 101’ books they can stomach. After a while, they all start repeating each other, and though there are some books taking truly unique viewpoints on witchcraft, there still comes a time when you may start itching to branch…
Money Magick
There are several different terms to use when working with this sort of magick. Abundance means that more than enough of whatever you need or want comes to you. This can be tricky, as I’ve worked spells asking for abundance and gotten an abundance of cats or weekend plans. Nice, but not exactly what I…
Why I Still (mostly) Believe in ‘An It Harm None’
I get it. Wicca just isn’t as popular as it was when I was coming up in the early 90s. And I totally get why. There are a lot of problematic things about Wicca, not least is the fact that it was essentially ‘created’ in as an evolution of ceremonial magick, but with a neo-Pagan…
Basic Spell Writing
I have to be honest. I really don’t follow recipes. Likewise, I never, ever use spells from books. I like to read them, sure. They give me inspiration for spells I would like to create, but I never use spells verbatim from spell books. I just feel like there’s so much more magick in being…
A Blessing for your Technology
I was just fortunate enough to have my husbear build me a new computer. My laptop wasn’t doing what I needed it to do for work (I had 12GB RAM and was trying to run a LOT of browser tabs). Fortunately, I had some extra money and was able to afford a new machine. Isn’t…
Sleep and Dream Magick
If we have a healthy sleep schedule, we spend around a third of our lives asleep. And if we’re lucky, we have some great dreams. It’s no wonder we’re fascinated with sleep and the inner worlds our minds reveal to us there. We can explore our fears, desires, and some generally weird shit in our…
Dedicating Daily Tasks to Deities
There’s a little trick I like to play on myself. Any time I have something unpleasant to do, I try to imagine how I can make it spiritual. That way, I think of it less as daily drudgery, and more as a part of my daily practice. For example, I really hate housework. It’s a…
The Altar in Your Mind
This is a concept that’s very near and dear to my heart. Errr… my mind. I’ve always loved the concept that you can have sacred space in your mind that you can do spellwork or ritual from. There’s no reason you can’t build an altar that you use for all of your magickal needs. And…
Fiber Crafts and The Craft
Around September or October, I start getting the urge to work on fiber crafts. And it’s no wonder. In an agrarian society, there’s not a lot to do after the harvest and preservation is all done. The nights get longer, and we tend to go within and think more about quiet, peaceful activities after the…
Beauty and Self-Love Magick
This is a topic that I have a little difficulty with. It’s been years since I felt like I was traditionally ‘beautiful’. And for whatever reason, I don’t make time for self-love work. I’m a typical Capricorn and tend to be very accomplishment-focused (hello NaBloWriMo!), so beauty and self-love take a back seat. But really,…
Creativity Magick
Creativity is a topic that’s very near and dear to my heart. When I don’t have time or energy to take on creative projects, I get really grouchy and unpleasant to be around. So I try to make time to feed my creative spirit as often as possible. There are a lot of little things…
Ways to Use a Poppet
Oftentimes when we think of dolls being used magickally, we think of Hollywood’s depiction of someone stabbing a voodoo doll with pins. But the poppet has been around for centuries, and there are many ways to introduce them into your magickal practice. Healing Abundance Self-Love Protection Remember that you can have different poppets for different…
Finding Your Animal Spirit Guide
The first time I meditated on my animal spirit guide, I was disappointed. I had been practicing my meditation and spent the evening getting ready for this monumental undertaking. I took a ritual shower, lit candles, burned incense, set up my space to be as spiritual as possible, and allowed myself to slip into trance….
Protection Magick
Protection is a big topic, and one that we should all take seriously. Not just in a magickal sense, but in a mundane sense as well. We can’t always protect ourselves from every bad thing that could happen, but we can certainly try. Magickally, there are a ton of herbs and stones that can help…
Reaching the Ancestors Tarot Spreads
Samhain is a traditional time to work with The Ancestors, since the veil is thinnest around this time. But I continue to work with them throughout November, and sometimes even through the Winter, as it’s just a quiet, introverted time. It’s great for going within and finding the strengths (and problems) that have been handed…
If I Could Only Keep 10 Decks
I simultaneously love and hate questions like this. On one hand, it makes you evaluate everything and look at what’s really important to you. On the other hand, thinking of letting things go sucks. But when I looked at my decks, I found that the choices were easier than I thought they would be. I…
Metal Magick
Humans have always been fascinated with metals. We even name periods of our history after it- The Copper Age, The Bronze Age, The Iron Age- each represents an advancement in the use of metals, and an advancement of our culture as a result. Look at the California Gold Rush in the 1840s and 1850s. It…
Deck Interview- The Bonefire Tarot
I’ve wanted this deck since I first saw it. When I saw that my local Pagan/metaphysical store was having a sale on all divination tools in October, I thought I would just browse and see what called to me. But when I saw this deck, I knew it was time. So it came home with…
What is the Witch Wound? (And ways to combat it.)
So I didn’t hear anything about the witch wound until a few years ago. And then, suddenly, I started hearing it everywhere. Have you been wondering, like me, what it is and where the term came from? You’re in luck! We’re going to go into it here. The witch wound is given to women by…
NaBloWriMo in November instead of NaNoWriMo? Why?
Because I love a challenge, and I love NaNoWriMo, but I just don’t think I have a novel in me right now. So instead, I’m going to write a blog post for every day this month. We’re calling in NaBloWriMo (National Blog Writing Month) because I’m feeling cheeky. So what will I be writing about?…
Celebrations, Herbs, Stones, and Symbols of Samhain
Samhain HistoryMentioned from the 10th century onward in Old Irish literature, the 4th fire festival marking the beginning of Winter. Ways to celebrate Samhain Herbs, etc. Stones Symbols **Information shared from my personal Book of Shadows
Witchify Your Workout
We’ve been on a journey for the last 15 years or so. It hasn’t been very smooth. It’s a cycle that goes like this… MEDICAL SCARE -> HEALTHY EATING AND HABITS TO THE POINT OF OBSESSION -> LIFE STUFF HAPPENS -> WE FALL OFF THE WAGON. It’s sad how many times this has happened. We’ve…
Celebrations, Herbs, Stones, and Symbols of Mabon
Mabon HistoryLesser Irish holiday named after the Celtic God of the same name. The name ‘Mabon’ is a recent usage, though harvest festivals on the Autumnal Equinox are ancient and universal. Also known as ‘Pagan Thanksgiving’. Ways to celebrate Mabon* Creating a huge, festive feast for friends and family* Taking a walk in nature to…