This week’s draw is from my very first deck, the Sacred Rose Tarot. My father bought it for me when I was 12 at the Sphynx bookstore in Atlanta. (Does anyone else remember the Sphynx?) He kept asking me if I was SURE that I wanted these for my birthday, and I kept insisting that yes, I wanted a deck of tarot cards for my birthday.
I don’t really use these anymore, because I bought a more Pagan-themed deck in my early 20s, and that became my primary deck. I was suprised to see that the art still seems really fresh and relevant. Also, the cards still have that intense nag champa smell that you used to get on anything that you bought from a real, dusty, smoky, metaphysical bookstore. I miss that smell.
This week’s reading, however, isn’t nearly as positive as last week’s. Last week we saw the happy, successful completion of projects. This week, we’re seeing some issues.
Ace of Pentacles reversed: This card represents financial lack. This can be due to overreaching your finances, or financial ventures that haven’t been prosperous. In the past position, this represents coming from a place of financial problems that have set the stage for the issue at hand.
Nine of Pentacles reversed: Low income causing insecurity or anxiety. Financial instability. Not having the money to do what you want. This is the present position, so this represents the situation we find ourselves in now.
The Lovers: This card is about the relationships in your life, but it can also be about finding what you love to do, or finding your higher purpose. This could mean that out of the financial issues we’ve been having, we will be reborn into a new way of being. I feel like this card is telling us not to dwell so much on our financial situation, but to look towards our relationships in the future. After all, wealth and abundance can be measured in more than just dollars.
So really, it’s not bad news, more that we’ve been focusing on work and finances, trying to get ahead, but not really getting there. So hopefully this is the week that we get out of that cycle and begin to think about the things and the people that make our hearts sing.
Again, this could easily be about me, but I’ve tried to pull cards with the intention of a community reading. Hopefully this will resonate with anyone else who sees it.
Tonight I’m making our annual Imbolc potato chowder. I’m also making some whole wheat bread in the bread machine we got for Yule. SO stoked. 🙂
Blessed be. 🙂
Have you seen this deck yet?
Oh wow. The art is stunning. I also like that it includes astrological correspondences. *adds to wish list*
I’m also obsessed with the Tarot Illuminati right now..
ooooooh… this is a really pretty card:
That IS beautiful. I love the detail in the brocade. 🙂
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